A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Mike Pompeo was one if the best in recent times

CIA chief met Mossad too and meeting Benji tmrw

I donā€™t get the boycott Israeli goods thing. The Americans are providing them with money and weapons so will the same people boycott Netflix, Apple, Twitter etc ?
Or stuff made in China etc?

@caoimhaoin was ahead of the curve on his Israeli boycott.


ā€¦on just about everything.
Christ but weā€™ve lost some big hitters over the last few years

Itā€™s performative protesting so thatā€™s unlikely.

It has no justification anyway, itā€™s horrific and disgusting.

The buts are:

It didnā€™t happen in a vacuum, as the UN secretary general noted.

And the second but is it doesnā€™t justify war crimes and collective punishment in response.

Which brings us back to:

Iā€™m surprised people havenā€™t changed their profile picture to the Palestinian flag , when did that die out ? :palestinian_territories::palestinian_territories:

Marks & Spencers burnt all the flags

Your man Tom Hand his daughter is thought to be alive and a hostage of hamas as opposed to dead as previously thought. The father was on virgin news again earlier appealing for her release - heā€™s an odd, odd chap but look letā€™s hope his daughter comes out of this alive now.

none of us can imagine the rollercoasters of emotion, grief and hope hes gone through in the last few weeks. to go through what he has and in the glare of the media cant be easy. god only knows how id come across if something like that happened to madame

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Is it me or is nobody protesting to release the hostages ?

It seems the big difference is the protests are against Israel, a democratically elected government supported by other democratically elected governments and people feel they may be susceptible to change things if enough public pressure is brought on. Hamas have the hostages and they are an illegal terrorist organisation and are probably unlikely to bow to public pressure.

The poor man was taken advantage of by RTE when they stuck a microphone in his face just after he was told his daughter had been killed. The man was in the throes of absolute despair, totally wrong to broadcast that interview IMO.

The poor man said how his initial reaction at hearing his daughter had been killed was ā€˜yes! yes! It meant she wouldnā€™t have been taken to Gaza which would have been the worst possible outcome. They do terrible things to people in Gaza.ā€™

The man was beyond distraught. It should never have been broadcast.

And now it turns out the little girl is alive. Please God sheā€™ll be returned safely.


He was in a complete state of shock. Shouldnā€™t have been on tv and nobody should be judging him either.



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A feather in the cap for Palestine and Hamas. (For clarity, Iā€™m not a member of this union, yet)

Post by an Israeli Arab taken from elsewhere on the INTERNET:

Today in Israel, Iā€™m not allowed to voice an opinion. Palestinian citizens of Israel have been forcefully silenced and threatened for any social media activity that isnā€™t in line with Israeli Hasbara. Thereā€™s a serious witch hunt going on. Full blown McCarthyism.

Hundreds have been detained, fired from their jobs. Hundreds have been threatened by Jewish citizens with physical harm. Authorities and law makers threatening to revoke our citizenship.

Iā€™ll remain quiet for now in regards to the main issues rather than taking the risk of being ratted out like four of my friends who have been arrested for:

  1. Following an Instagram page called eye on Palestine.
  2. Sharing a post by an Israeli Jew on Facebook that accused Israel of genocide (the Israeli Jew has not been arrested, the Arab who shared the Jewā€™s post did get arrested).
  3. Posting an instagram story sympathizing with the children of Gaza and calling for a ceasefire.
  4. Being ratted out by her Jewish ā€œfriendā€ who shared screenshots of a private conversation they had on facebook, where she said thereā€™s no evidence of beheadings. Sheā€™s been detained for three days, bullied by tens of thousands online, with the screenshots broadcasted on television.

An Arab medical doctor got fired because of an old profile pictures on Facebook that contain Quran texts. A political analyst got arrested for posting an objective analysis of the breach on the 7th.

Meanwhile Jewish citizen have been calling for a final solution, mocking Palestinian suffering, and dehumanizing them. Telegram groups with thousands of members rife with organizing pogroms and lynches without any consequences. Hell, theyā€™re even posting videos of urinating on Palestinian dead bodies, stabbing them and poking their eyes out. Zero consequences.

My supposedly leftist Jewish colleagues have turned into vengeful right wing snitches.

I have been threatened by my Jewish neighbor (that Iā€™ve had good neighborly relationship with) telling me heā€™s sick of hearing me speaking Arabic in the building, when I stood my ground, with his veins popping out of his neck he threatened ā€œIā€™ll do another Nakba to youā€.

Most importantly, weā€™ve been warned not to protest by the police commissioner as the police wonā€™t hesitate to use live ammunition. So we just have to live with the grief, the shame, the anger and the sense of defeatedness while all of this is happening.

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Hardly surprising when theyā€™re also firing Irish staff in Dublin.

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