A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Was he not doing interviews with CNN etc beforehand?

Verbatim quote from Jeremy Bowen on the BBC 6 o’clock news. He was inside Gaza today with Israeli troops “on the approaches to Gaza City”.

“On the way there, and while I was at the destination, I did not see one building that wasn’t either destroyed or badly damaged, I didn’t see one Palestinian civilian. The place is essentially a wasteland.”

Hamas seem to have put up no resistance. Only a half km from their main base by all accounts.


The Germans have an awful habit of coming out the wrong side of history.

There’s nothing left to occupy, and the Israelis will get away with it for now, because the current standard of global politician is so craven, self-serving and abject, but what they’ve done will breed chaos.




It was probably built in China for 500 bucks

No room at the inn?



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And Nicky Kelly

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The Jewish Chronicle using fascist bastard Douglas Murray to try and whitewash the Nazis so as to drum up support for a genocide.

It’s like living in one of those bizarre alternate universes that Homer Simpson kept jumping in and out of with his evil toaster in a Halloween episode, except we can’t get out of this one.



The IDF have already started air dropping leaflets on Southern Lebanon encouraging civilians to move North. Only in the basket case middle east would a country allow another nation to tell their citizens to move.

The IDF will be in over their heads if the start going door to door .Most of these lads are the equivalent of lads from the FCA,only they’re allowed to shoot people.

