A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

My mind keeps going back to this article though. I just canā€™t understand how anybody could come out with such rubbish.


As @carryharry will tell you. The internet never forgets.

I assume assume Leo was aiming for a biblical reference and the Israelis have jumped on it.

RTE news : Irish ambassador to Israel summoned for ā€˜reprimandā€™


That Eylon Levy guy is one of the most hateful pieces of shit to emerge for many a year.

Thereā€™s clearly now a concerted international smear/create chaos effort against Ireland by Israel and it seems to include Elon Musk.



Their Modus operandi is pretty clear.

Retweeting a far right, pro-Israel propagandist now, the mask is coming off again.

And it doesnā€™t involve any principled opposition to anti-Semitism.

Israel has openly allied with far right anti-Semites and has now made actual Holocaust denial an explicit part of its propaganda.

Israel is now an ally of the worldwide far right.

The other night Israeli propagandist Hananya Naftali lied that the Dublin riots had been incited and perpetrated by immigrants rather than the far right. They are openly angling to create chaos in Ireland.

They are a hostile state to Ireland.

You need to chill. It was posted without comment. Poor old Leo is getting it from every quarterā€¦ While i harbour no great love for him , heā€™s taking some unjustified shots the last few days.

Few quarters that are actually good faith though.

That Robert Burke is a moron. A pound shop John McGuirk, who himself is a pound shop Ian Paisley.

Flagged for homophobia


Iā€™ve no idea who he is. I thought the tweet was both ridiculous but also humourous insofar as people can twist absolutely anything to their agenda.

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The Israelis will need to employ a full-time Irish liaison officer when Mary-Lou gets in.

I think itā€™s a very fair point from whoever that is

Jesus wept

Leo needs to double down here and tell them to fuck off with their faux outrage


A very strange individual is that man.

Thank god sheā€™s okay

Itā€™s pretty sad that either he was fed or believes the stuff he said in those interviews.
Any normal parent would hope against all hope for a chance of survival opposed to a corpse.

As @gaillimhmick pointed out, there is zero thoughts for innocent Palestinian children killed in Military actions or those arrested and imprisoned in Israel either.

Just all incredibly sad that these people have such ingrained hatred for each other & no respect for life itself.

I hope you never have to experience what he experienced and if you do I hope youā€™ll react in a considered and logical way.

Do you now?

Iā€™d hold out all hope, a hostage has a chance that a corpse hasnā€™t,

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Nice bit of Self Defence art there


Iā€™d like to see the Irish Ambassador to Israel enter that meeting in a Joe Pesci frame of mind.