A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

No posts for 21 hours.

It’s as if something else happened that allowed performative virtue signaling and the outraged aren’t sincere.

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You are the most preening, pathetic, insincere, virtue signalling cunt on this forum.

You’re so insincere you pathetically sucked up to a guy who called you a rape apologist when you desperately needed an “ally” on this forum and couldn’t find anybody else, when you couldn’t debate your way out of a paper bag.

A new low for IKEA

I see Netanyahu had an interesting take on things earlier and was basically having a go at the UN and aid organisations for not already having 10s of thousands of tents ready for the folks in Gaza he is driving from their homes as winter approaches. What a cunt.

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The Thai’s are some lads to get themselves out of tight situations. Caves, war zones, you name it :clap:

Why aren’t CNN talking about all the hostages that Israel have taken? They keep going on about the Hamas held hostages but no mention of the hostages Israel have taken even though there are more of them. :thinking:

It is CNN dude

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Not great

Do you believe any hotel in Ireland would refuse a room to any family due to their religious beliefs?

They would for certain surnames.

Not for Hand though….

Poor Eoin Hand finds it very difficult to get a hotel room

Great news.



This fella.


Lankum cancellation in Leipzig highlights German minefield on Israel

A right cunt

His government were happy to inform her family she was dead ffs.

Thank God the child is ok

It’s beautiful, her story has been a triumph of hope

Is that the sister that spoke really well on Irish media? That’s their perception of us unfortunately. I highly doubt the reservation thing is true.

Delighted for that young girl of the Hand’s. A harrowing experience for her and her family. I can’t help thinking of the 4000+ unnamed children in Gaza who have passed away, with little or no mention, other than in one large statistic. What were there names, what did they look like? May each and every one of them rest in peace.


Are you saying she is lying ?