A new low for Israel. How low can they go?


Like lapsed poster chocomice always told @Tierneevin1979 , the jews were never ran out of Limerick.

Wasn’t that mouse lad a pretend historian :rofl:

In January 1904 Limerick had 150 Jews, by the end of the year it was down to 30 and by 2011 only the 4 in your picture were left.

Correct, the jews weren’t run out of Limerick. They left at their own leisure…

Just like they left Europe at their leisure in the 1930s and invaded Palestine?

That’s a bit silly pal.

It’s the narrative leftists believe, pal. The Jews are colonizers, unike Muslims who are the indigenous people of the 49 countries they are the majority in.

I’m not sure how Muslims slipped into the conversation. The Jews are welcome in Limerick

Fuck Israel


Richard Boyd Barrett is getting it in the neck for this speech. Frankly I find it almost impossible to disagree with much of it at all. His characterisation of Israel’s behaviour is accurate. Neither do I see his call for intifada as particularly controversial. I’m not really sure what ordinary Palestinians are supposed to do at this stage. This isn’t a situation which is analogous to Northern Ireland. Palestinians are simply being wiped out in their native land. Fighting back against such is legitimate.


That Daniel Rosehill twitter feed is pathetic. Posting an “open letter” to the Irish govt.

I see a lot of people lambasting Boyd Barrett but I don’t see many people actually making a case against his words. This is because they ring uncomfortably true.



Are you also in favor of killing all the Jews? Which is precisely what intifada means.

Boyd Barrett is a moron, as is anyone assocating themselves with him.

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We hear a lot of this bollocks that “intifada” means “killing all Jews” or “from the river to the sea” means “killing all Jews”.

The absurd farce of these notions are totally transparent.

In the real world, Israel is eliminating Gaza and eliminating Palestine. This is a genocide.

And the victims are supposed to politely accept their liquidiation. No avenue of escape, no means to fight back, no right to fight back in any way, say the sickos.

What an insult to humanity and a total two fingers to the lessons of the Holocaust.

The situation is now so obscene that Israel has enlisted the world’s most high profile anti-Semite and a guy who is basically a Holocaust denier as propagandists. Douglas Murray’s narrative of Holocaust denial is now seemingly official Israeli policy.

The murder of 1200 Israelis (and other nationalities and religions) is now apparently worse than the systematic extermination of 6 million Jews.

Words no longer mean anything in this world and we have people here cheerleading this situation. They are sick bastards.

Calling for Israel to be brought down?

Of course that is incredibly naive. Does he think the Palestinians want some pluralist State?

Further, does he really think the security or both will be secured with a one state solution?

RBB is a very disingenuous character. He gets lots of views when he lambastes Israelis over not following Oslo when he himself couldn’t give a fiddlers about it.

The charitable view that it is childish.

Boyd Barrett’s characterisation of Israel’s behaviour is accurate.

Israel accuses Hamas, and by extension Palestinians - they have already said enough to know they do not hold a distinction - of being worse than the Nazis.

Yet one cannot compare Israel’s behaviour to that of the Nazis when they’re doing what they’re doing now?

Ruling certain comparisons off limits only works when those that seek political correctness to protect how their actions are portrayed, are not actually acting like those they deem it off limits to compare them to.

What are ordinary Palestinians supposed to do in these circumstances? We rightly uphold Ukraine’s right to fight to defend their land. How can Palestine’s right to fight not also be defended given this?

Many of the people of Gaza are already homeless. The entire population has nowhere to go. Hamas has most likely moved most of its fighters out of Gaza through tunnels. The ratio of children killed to Hamas fighters killed is 4:1, according to Israeli numbers of Hamas fighters they say they have killed.

If Hamas has 30,000 fighters, that means 120,000 dead children by the end of this, never mind adult civilians.

America is trying to wash its hands of this. The whole of the west, everybody who is publicly supporting Israel, knows this is a historical outrage.

The world just lets it happen. The world is too desensitised to images of death. It doesn’t care. It’s more interested in manufactured culture wars about “pronouns” and “woke” and every other manner of unimportant shit.

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You ignored the point I made.

RBB explicitly says Israel needs to be brought down.

If we ignore all the other hand wringing over what he said, this has to be looked at.

It is nothing new from him to suggest one state. The point I would make is that he gets away in public in attacking Israel over not adhering to Oslo when he himself has no time for it. Additionally, the one state he proposes is not scrutinised. It is not a serious position to suggest tearing down Israel and starting a pluralist one (as I’m sure he’d defend it as). This is dreamland stuff. It naturally means a lot more bloodshed and there is delusional to suggest it could work in the context of the specific issues on those lands, let alone the wider Middle East.

It may not be realistic or likely or even workable that there is one state but it is not remotely anti-Semitic to suggest one state. The Bosnian Muslims, of whom 8,000 or so were butchered in a genocide at Srebrenica, share the same state as the Bosnian Serbs.

We only hear about potential Israeli bloodshed. Meanwhile Israel is slaughtering many thousands of Palestinians and shows no sign of stopping, and we have gobshites everywhere pretending to be on the side of moral righteousness because they support this.

The world is gone cuckoo.