A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

I didn’t say it was anti-Semitic.


I know there’s recency bias but these lads really show themselves to be pig ignorant and without perspective almost daily.


I’ve no doubt most of that took place but I’ve also no doubt Israel have also gotten creative with the video. It’s claimed many of the charred remains/ cars are from Israeli fire… We initially had beheaded babies which was a blatant lie… I’ve no doubt rape of some sort happened but with the orchestrated level it’s being pushed online i wonder is it more Israeli propaganda… I’d be fairly sympathetic to Palestinians and anti Israeli but I want it on record that i don’t support the efforts on Oct 7.

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Hard reading. The more of these testimonies you read the more Israel’s reaction is understandable.

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Jesus is the truth lads, everything else is only a distraction.

I don’t believe anything they say, i don’t believe there was 260 killed at the festival eitherr or anywhere near it

It’s all very well orchestrated anyway.

They’re the masters at PR and Spin.A few lads here have swallowed the whole lot.

US colleges now say that calling for genocide of Jews is not bullying or harassment. We’re through the looking glass



The discernible parallels between Israeli propagandists and those of Nazi Germany evoke a disquieting sense of historical recurrence. This reflection prompts recollection of a cinematic scene—of which the title eludes me—depicting German soldiers at Auschwitz orchestrating the arrival of newcomers with assurances of well-being. Promising a ‘warm shower’ after their long journey. Similarly, contemporary narratives attempt to portray indiscriminate carpet bombing in Gaza as beneficial for innocent Palestinians, mirroring the manipulative tactics employed in a dark chapter of history. The evil in their eyes is unmistakable.


That Elise Stefanik one is a white supremacist.

White supremacists and Holocaust deniers seem to be about the only people Israel can get to defend them these days.

cc @women you mighnt get along with but would ride anyway thread

Genocide seems to be ok for some

What’s happening to Palestinians is a decent, respectable genocide. It’s an officially approved genocide, and that means it’s just fine.

The very sensible people support it and those who are against it are hysterical, shrieking lunatics.

It’s totally uncool and unhip to care about genocide and the people who do deserve to be ridiculed by people on the INTERNET pretending to be adults.

Be a sensible, mature adult and support the genocide.


Mark Regev’s interview on RTE Drivetime on Monday was Nazi Germany level propaganda. From McInerney’s voice throughout the interview it was clear she was fully aware she was talking to a monster and was reviled by Regev, and who could blame her.

Regev: “We are doing Palestinians in Gaza a favour.”

Sarah McInerney: “You’ve locked them in an area where they can’t get out, you’ve denied them of food, water, shelter, you’ve bombed their hospitals, you’ve destroyed over 50% of their homes, you’ve killed their family members, you’ve killed their children. I don’t understand how you genuinely believe the people of Gaza would be grateful to Israel for what you’re doing.”

Regev: “100 per cent, I have no doubt.”


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I think the legal distinction is that saying “we’ll kill you” is harassment, but saying “we’ll kill you all” isn’t?
It’s truly bizarre…i wonder what subjects these ladies specialise in

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Absolutely, the infiltration of media with whitewashing propaganda is conspicuous, a carefully orchestrated spectacle for the masses. Notably, the Irish mainstream media stands out as an exception. Observing the orchestration behind it in the US and UK is eye-opening.

Israel can’t defend what they’re doing so they go after Leo Varadkar or Owen Jones or Richard Boyd Barrett or whoever.

There’s a Democratic House member in the US called Pramila Jayapal who made a perfectly sensible statement on CNN the other night and now the lunatics are all out to bring her down.

Meanwhile Israel enlist white supremacists and Holocaust deniers to shill for them and to pretend to be “moral”. These are the same fuckers who openly whip up hatred of Jews and would happily see the Jews wiped out, but on this occasion they support them merely because they hate Muslims more.

We even have fake “defenders” of Palestine like Glenn Greenwald chumming up to far right supporters of Israel like Ben Scallan of Grift.

I said at the start of all this that this would be the event that heralds the mass collapse of trust in liberal democracy and its institutions in the west and heralds a rise of a terrifying fascism as people lose all handle on reality. It’s happening and it will get worse, and it will be cheerled the whole way by the supposed “adults”.