A new low for Israel. How low can they go?


Read the posts from Wally.

Because they killed Jeebus (they didn’t).

And Palestinians also chief……

They’re the Tipperary of religious minorities

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Do all ethnic groups deserve their own state?
How about Irish travellers? I propose giving them Tipperary, it’s the least they deserve after centuries of oppression.

The right wing narrative:


Peaceful economic migration with all the benefits it brings, giving asylum to people escaping repressive regimes, and giving refuge to people fleeing war.

According to the right-wing narrative this constitutes “a planned genocide”, a “Great Replacement” of the native population, and is all apparently planned by Jews.


The creation of a settler-colonial state by violent means, and 75 years of ethnic cleansing and genocide.

This is good, because those pesky brown people deserve to be genocided in their own native land.

So you’re saying ethnic minorities don’t deserve to be just given states while simultaneously defending Israel. I’ve seen some dumb shit, but thats spectacular

I thought travellers had Wexford as their homeland?

Yes but Israel is a state. Do you not see the distinction?

If Israel does not deserve a state because they violently stole land that belonged to others, then no state deserves to exist. Including the one you live in. If it wasn’t for violence Ireland would not exist as a state.
Or the US, or any state you care to mention.

How did Israel come about mate? Then read what you said to Harry

Are you sauced up?

You said Israel has a right to exist, so do innocent Palestinians

It originally came about because the British carved up the part of their empire they called Palestine (Israel and what is Jordan today) into a Jewish state and an Arab state, and then was supported by the US and Europe after the war because they felt guilty about 3/4 of European Jews being slaughtered. It became the home of Jews fleeing the rest of the Middle East, north Africa, and Russia among other places they were not welcome.

Whether you agree or disagree with that decision, it was done, and today they have the same rihgt to exist as any other state. For some reason though Jews are held to a differnet standard, and should give their state back to the original inhabitants, even though they are the original inhabitants if you go back far enough, and even though they are the ones who converted a desert into a modern propsperous country.

It’s all nonsense, there is no other country on the planet that would accept being consistently attacked by their neighbors and live with an ethnic group dedicated to their annihilation.

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Yoiu’re confusing states with people now? Innocent Palestinians absolutely have the right to exist, but the moral problem is innocent civilians are killed routinely in war, and in particular wars fought by western powers and their allies. Again, it’s a double standard, why aren’t US and UK before a tribunal in the Hague for war crimes in Iraq? Or Saudi for war crimes in Yemen?

But the Jews.

They aren’t before a trubunal either mate

I’m not.

Both sets of civilians absolutely deserve the right to exist in peace.

You are trying to mince my words.

We can agree that innocent civilians deserve to live in peace.
Easy to say but very difficult to accomplish. Maybe the aliens can save us from ourselves.

So the partition of Ireland by the British (and Irish) was illegitimate but the partition of Palestine by the British was legitimate.

Hmmmm. I think I see a problem there.

Another bizarre post coming from the scumbag who posted a picture making fun of george Floyd being killed.

He is patently not a scumbag. @TheUlteriorMotive seems like a thoroughly decent human.

You, on the other hand. Don’t


Thoroughly decent men don’t post images making fun of a guy being murdered, in my opinion. I’d have different values to you on lots of things though.