A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

The exposing of the complete and utter ridiculousness of the worldviews of @Tierneevin1979, @TheUlteriorMotive, @glenshane etc. is delicious.

These people are profoundly moronic, utterly hate filled and psychologically and morally bankrupt.

Preening fuckwits and pea brains.

Lads comparing apples with oranges complaining that lads aren’t comparing strawberries with raspberries.

Woke this, leftist that, blah blah blah.

You literally could make it up.

There you go again….

Who released that info? Hamas?

Quoting the drug fuelled meltdown of the world’s most high profile anti-Semite, who inherited a fortune from the apartheid regime.

Very on brand for you.

Why is it that you continue to post the same drivel no matter how many times you are corrected?

The survey was conducted by Birzeit Univerity, which is in the Palestinian West Bank. The Palestinian West Bank is governed by the Palestinian Authority, not Hamas.

No they don’t. They may support it as a fightback against oppression but not the detail. That’s just like saying that all republicans supported Omagh. You’re just making stuff up.
You’ve gone full quisling.

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One of Britain’s most respected foreign correspondents states a simple truth, and is immediately and mendaciously accused of being a cheerleader for Hamas by piece of shit propagandist Stephen Pollard, who is the long time editor of the Jewish Chronicle in the UK.


You seem to think this has some sort of relevance. It doesn’t no matter how times you keep stating it.

The great sociologist Stanley Cohen did a stint there before I think

I’d estimate there are less than 1% of Irish Republicans who supported Omagh, including myself.

The survey conducted in the West bank, by a Palestinian University, found that Hamas only enjoyed 76% support. In contrast al-Qassam Brigades had 89%, Palestinian Islamic Jihad had 84%, and al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigades had 80%. Basically Hamas aren’t extreme enough for them.

Quisling is a bit rich coming from a tan.

Why isn’t it relevant? There will be no progress in Israel/Palestinian relations until Palestinians accept that Israel has a right to exist.

New Labane propaganda line:

“If people give an answer I don’t like for an opinion poll, they should be murdered.”

Do you honestly think people born and living in an open air prison who decide between a slow death or a quick death are too worried about their oppressors rights?

You should throw some cold water over your head and give it a good shake and cop on.

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Labane definitely thinks the French resistance were ungentlemanly in their methods and thus undeserving of support.

They should have outdebated their oppressors.


Maybe instead of spending all your life studying horse whippers, try learning a bit of history?

Gaza could easily be like Dubai if it wasn’t for Hamas and their ilk, they have received $30 billion in foreign aid in the past 2 decades and spent all of it on rockets and building tunnels. Why do you think there are no Arab countries coming to help Gaza civilians or even offering to take refugees? Because they have slowly moved away from the concept of Islamic Jihad and slowly but surely accept that Jews actually have a right to exist.

The Palestinians were offered their own state in 1948 and rejected it, and have rejected every solution offered since. The only solution they want is the total destruction of Israel and extermination of all Jews.

“Tullamore woman’s life found ended beside canal”

“US President’s life founded ended in hospital after his head had mysteriously exploded while sitting in car.”

“13 lives found ended after Sunday’s Civil Rights march in Derry”


Ya I’m sure all the kids getting slaughtered really regret what happened in the 1948 you absolute ham :rofl:

Why have jews been hated throughout History?