A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

I must be an outlier

I 100% support the Palestinian people and believe Israel is the nearest thing to a Nazi state as we have seen since the 1940’s

I also believe our country is being rode left right and centre with hordes of piss takers arriving here with not a notion of contributing to our society in any meaningful way.Only here for what they can take and fuck what anyone else thinks.Zero respect for us.And I blame the government for that along with the wet wipe brigade on here and their ilk.
11% of “refugees” sent back out of thousands apparently.
Some useless cunts not doing their jobs in the relevant departments and they need to be held accountable before we have a plantation the like of which our descendants will be studying about in years to come.And we are heading that way.Its an utter shitshow.

Emigration into Ireland is a good thing. Overall the positives genuinely outweigh the negatives.

The problem I’d have is people blackguarding us turning up without a passport etc.


Pointless statement. Like saying the Minster for Defense in Ireland has any say in anything serious.

Blinken is a government spokesman

I agree,of course I do but I dont want ghettos popping up here with welfare chancers and bad eggs.
We need a serious vetting process and our lads are not doing there job.Surely we can all agree on that?

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Even if Biden wanted to keep Netanyahu in check, and I think he does - but I mean if he was extremely vocal and aggressive in public about it, it would still make no difference. Israel would be doing what it is doing anyway. Israel would simply ignore such a US president, and make sure that US president faced a firestorm of propaganda against them which would ensure their defeat at the next election. Israel laughs in the face of any resistance to its crimes from the US. It has all the power.

But in the long term, Israel has likely overreached here, because it will come to be seen by populations in Europe, increasingly the US, and the rest of the world, as no more than an evil bastard. And it will turn in on itself. But it will not lose its hold over the centres of power around the world. Outside of the hopeless victims of Gaza and Palestine, it will be Europe which feels the brunt of all this. Jewish people, Muslims, societies, as mass cynicism, mass conspiracism and racism grows ever stronger, and the problems of the world become ever more intractable.

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Thats my point.They should be sent straight back -No ifs buts or maybe.

They have overreached. I think everyone would agree with that. I suppose in their defence they will say everyone around them wants them gone. Blown out of it etc.

The 7th October Hamas attack never seemed plausible. I can’t fathom how that wasn’t on their radar that day.

What would success look like for him? He’s supported every democratic and republican war, he’s a zionist and a puppet…and blinken isn’t any weaker than any of his predecessors…he’s more than capable of bombing unarmed arabs.
Both biden and blinken have repeatedly stated that there are no restrictions, conditions or limits regarding how the Israelis use the weapons they’re continuing to supply.
They’re as responsible as Netanyahu, and anyone condemning one without condemning the other isn’t condemning either

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The notion there is an existential threat to Israel from outside is pure bollocks. They have the second most advanced military in the world and the most powerful one fully bought. They’ve behaved like monsters for decades.

The existential threat is from within as Israel itself has become increasingly fascist.

Israel was warned that something like October 7th could happen but because the headbangers hold the whip hand they moved military away from the peacenik communities in the south and concentrated them to back up the fascist settlers in the West Bank.

It’s an object lesson in what happens when you put fundamentally unserious fascists in power.

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Those lads are making Henry Kissinger look like an altar boy.

They’re responsible for thousands of civilian deaths. Absolute neo con cunts.


Christ almighty. The Secretary of State is the #3 in the executive branch and the #4 in line to the presidency. Blinken is responsible for US foreign policy more than any of his preseasons as Biden isn’t even aware of what’s occurring.

Blinken is a neocon Warhawk, had his hand in every disaster, Irae war, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan debacle, Russia/Ukraine and now Israel/gaza. He is the founder of a defense contractor company that benefits enormously from war so totally compromised

An absolute cunt of the highest order and utterly incompetent.


You are one gormless ape in fairness.

You’re criticising somebody for supporting Israel, evenly though you openly fervently support Israel’s genocide.

And you’re calling them a “neo-con”.

What exactly is this genocide you support if not neo-con?

Are you on the sauce again?

Blinken is a nodding dog.

Who is he nodding at?

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The press corps

@Tierneevin1979 is a nodding donkey.


My goodness you are an awful clown.
Blinken has far more influence on US foreign policy than anyone in the US government. Biden barely knows what day it is and can barely read the teleprompter.

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