A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Blinken would be a Simon Harris type, cop on with the messing.

I think it is a fair question to ask Jews and indeed non-Jews outside of Israel who support what Israel is doing to Gaza: How does what Israel is doing benefit the lot of Jewish people outside of Israel?

I think it’s also a fair question to ask the minority of pro-Palestine people whether Muslim or non-Muslim who have expressed support for what Hamas did on October 7th: How does expressing support for what Hamas did benefit the cause of Palestine or indeed the lot of Muslims in the west?

Blinken is an opponent of the icc’s meddling in the middle east, a long term ally of Victoria nuland/robert kagan and a defiant defender of republican and democrats sacking of iraq, libya and everything in-between…and on and on. Jaysus harry.

Mate will you stop embarrassing yourself on here. You have zero understanding of world affairs, the US government and how it functions, and in particular the currrent conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza. Like others on here you have been wrong on every single issue for the past several years.

You bought into the theory that Ukraine could defeat Russia militarily, peddled here by the mega loons of the site. Anyone with a brain knew this was impossible, regardless of how much second hand obselete equipment the US donated to them. They have lost mate, the Ukrainian generals are turning on Zelensky, the Poles no longer support them, the Germans now admit they have lost, and the mayor of Kiev is angling to replace Zelensky. The result will be the same as that proposed when the war started, Russia will take a slice of east Ukraine and Ukraine will not join NATO but likely join the EU. Shame about the half million casualties that accomplished fuck all. Another great victory for American foreign policy, to add to Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Yemen. But hey, loads of obsolete military equipment got sold (Antony Blinken is worth $70 million, how did that happen on a civil servant’s salary I wonder?).

On Israel/Palestine the only possible resolution is if the Arab world accept Israel’s right to exist, normalize relations with them, and help the Palestinians rather than using them as pawns. Which in fairness many countries were doing up to recently (under Trump). Iran is the problem, as long as those mad bastards are in power there, they will continue to back and arm Hamas and Hezbollah and any other Islamist nutters that are willing to sacrifice themselves.

How can you not see the absolute disaster US foreign policy has been under Biden/Blinken? A shambolic withdrawal from Afghanistan leaving behind half a billion $ of advanced military equipmet and abandoning thousands of brave Afghans to be slaughtered by the Taliban, a complete absense of diplomacy in the lead up to the Ukraine war, letting the nutters who wanted to “weaken Russia” take the lead, and now Gaza turning into the worst killing spree since the 1990s Balkans war. They are a complete disaster of an administration.


Jaysus. Good to see someone has been listening.

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I’m banned from the Ukranian thread due to my dangerous opinions. Almost as dangerous as my opinions on food.

I was wondering why you hadn’t weighed in. That darn algorithm or something.
Ukraine is utterly remarkable. A ten year UN/Amnesty international/human rights watch/guardian/nyt record of interventionalism, meddling, terrorism, state sanctioned executions, censorship etc. But all must be denied in preference of joe good, putin bad.
Utterly bizarre.

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Excellent post.

Good fuck.

Posts like this are what happens when somebody with extreme Dunning Kruger syndrome swallows every bit of kool aid he can find.


Blinken is more like a Jack Chambers

Israel loves murdering journalists. Who else in the world loves to murder journalists>


How’s that working out for the West Bank?

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You’ve not once mentioned that the EU and US wanted the war in Ukraine. Merkel admitted as much, that they signed and broke treaties just to buy time to build an army that they thought could beat Russia. Democracy, decency and moral something something - my hole. The EU and US are as corrupt and murderous as the rest.

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You haven’t a clue what you’re blathering on about you Putin shilling simpleton because you get your “news” from the bowels of the extremist internet, just like that creep from Dungiven.

You’re a like a fucking zombie parrot.

Doesn’t take much for the mask to slip. A tiny challenge and you lash out.

You seem to need this bad guys vs good guys facade to get you through the day. I’m sorry to break it to you, there are no good guys, they’re all cunts.


Ireland needs to leave the EU

That Tramp Biden is every bit as bad a Putin

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Look where the EU money that goes to Israel ends up…

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Buddy your problem is you think things that are complex are simple and you think things that are simple are complex.

This is because you consume the information equivalent of marshmallow deep fried in excrement and have zero ability to tell the difference between grift and real information.

You need to fast bro.