A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

The good guys…



These Hamas daily updates are hilarious. If their claims were accurate they’d have hundreds of IDF soldiers killed along with destroying hundreds of tanks.



Even though we disagree on many issues I find myself nodding in agreement with Bernie here.

Israel dosn’t want all their citizens to be killed and doesn’t want to reach a compromise with those trying to kill them all.

This apparently makes them Nazis and someone mentioned apartheid so let’s also parrot that continuously

The UN should step in.

All Israel are doing is creating the next generation of hamas


Apparently you say “from the river to the sea” now, at least says one of Israel’s chief propagandists.

Given that Israel claims (mendaciously) that the phrase is a call for genocide, that they are now using it themselves can be taken as an actual call for completing this genocide to the very end, as a call for the extermination of the entire Palestinian population.


We all know about hardliners on both sides who will accept nothing less.

The problem is some Evangelical saying it in reference to Israel or a “Stop the War” pro Palestine type doing the same.

So no problem with Israel saying it directly implying genocide?

It is no secret than many in Israel want all the land.

Same with Palestine.

Hamas have to come off the pitch and no peace will ever be possible while they exist but I think Israel are only creating more Hamas fighters with this invasion

What has to happen for peace is that The Yanks need to leave the stage and let some honest brokers negotiate a shared future.

There hasn’t been. US president with a genuine commitment to solving this (and not in the gift if vested interests) since Jimmy Carter

Camp David accords with Clinton were a pretty good shot at it?

I would have thought a big part of the problem is that extremists in both Israeli and Palestine camps have absolutely no interest in a shared solution and are quite comfortable with escalation. In that situation its extremely difficult for the political centre to hold on either side let alone drive through a solution that would inevitably require difficult compromises.

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I’m sure others will have the completely opposite view but my understanding of camp David was a very pro Israeli approach from the US.

Surely not.

I think think I see a problem there.

If Israel’s actions over many years have only strengthened Hamas, and that is the case - and these actions will only make Palestinians more militant in the long run - well then Israel has three choices.

  1. Go on with an even more authoritarian version of what was the status quo, where Palestinians are penned into ghettoes with no rights, treated like shit.
  2. Negotiate with Hamas.
  3. Wipe out the population of Gaza and possibly the West Bank entirely, genocide them and/or banish them forever.

Clinton appeared to have a good go at it but the Israeli PM Rabin was taken out for his efforts by his own Countrymen. Scuppered the slim chance there & then.

I watched a documentary recently that appeared to show a strong contingent of the American negotiating team were Jewish leaning religiously but they were pretty much exasperated with Israeli government positions after the death of Rabin.