A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

No it won’t.

“Russia will never invade Ukraine, you’re being hysterical.”


There is a big difference between Russia invading Ukraine and the way of life of the largest democracy in the world ending.

It is scaremongering.



Is that really believable?

Defeat Russia or perhaps stop them from trampling on into other counties?

It’s all a mess alright and the US, EU, Russia, China & Middle Eastern countries all want the nicest piece of the pie regardless of the innocent people they’re burying in the process.

About the only lesson one can take is to live your own life properly, treat people with respect & decency. Love your family & yourself.

We can do little more unfortunately

She said it out loud and it’s available online.

The EU has been going down the militarism route for a while now, it’s just as rotten as the rest.

The rest i can agree with…

People who point out the reality of a situation are always called scaremongers. It’s a coping mechanism on the part of the ignorant.

It’s almost like some people have decided to forget there was an actual attempted coup last time.

The attempted coup of a pile of headbangers is a long way from democracy ending.

You go on about how the right want children to be killed so they can push their agenda. You seem to almost want all of this to happen so that you can be proven right.

Oh I see, you’re one of these self styled “adults” who wouldn’t see a literal speeding train coming if you were standing on the line facing it.

I don’t doubt for one second that, what is seeming like the inevitable return of Trump, is a horrific state of affairs.

But I have faith that the majority of people in the USA and worldwide democracies are decent and simply won’t stand for any attempt to limit their freedom in the wholesale way that you are suggesting.



It’s all about the Benjamin’s

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Mental stuff that they are still getting rockets off


Do any ever get inside the dome?

Rare enough you’d see any reports of injuries. I’ve seen tweets of a few that hit parked cars or the odd apartment block but not done a whole pile of damage.

Seems a bit pointless to be still firing them

It’s just symbolic to show they still have some capabilities left.

You’d wonder why they can’t aim them at the areas just inside Gaza where the IDF have taken over.

Sounds like an IDF solider being held hostage was killed during an attempt to free him today

