A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

I see Yemen are trying to enforce a naval blockade of Israeli from Suez side







Correct, those poor hostages, over two months in hell and they end up being slaughtered by their own


"An initial IDF probe into the hostage killing incident suggests all three men were shirtless, with one carrying a makeshift white flag.

On seeing them, one Israeli soldier shouted “terrorists!” to the other forces, initiating fire at the men, according to reports.

While two hostages were hit immediately and fell to the ground, the third managed to escape into a nearby building where despite pleas in Hebrew, he was also shot and killed, a military official said."

Fucking hell.

It’s absolute savagery, cheerled by Western politicians who would rather have blood on their hands than risk a few quid in campaign donations. It is absolutely horrific and absolutely bizarre. It makes you believe in evil as a force.


Fucking psychopaths.

I did a really good course on atrocity crimes. The thing about them is they are a process. The evil doesn’t appear suddenly out of nowhere, there is always a process, a build up, steps along the way. The nazis didn’t start out with the final solution or anything like it, there was a progression to the Holocaust.

It used be the case, a long time ago that the response to atrocities was “we never saw this coming”. That’s not the case any more, warning signals are pretty well and clearly identified.

These animals will kill anyone

Pure hatred killed them lads.


They did the same on Oct 7. Shot tonnes of their own


i see the death toll has been revised down again to 1100, I wonder how many they blew apart at the Nova festival with Apache attack choppers

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These Hamas go pro videos are wild


Seems like it’s nearly more Meath there but it’s good to be on the same team for once.

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I’m sure the course was very interesting but the process by which fascists advance is so obvious that anybody should be able to see it.

They lie, lie, lie, twist, twist, twist, slowly destroy the very concept of truth, they continually push back the boundaries of what they get away with, thus normalising themselves and their hatred.

Always, always, always during this process, there are self styled “adults in the room” who allow the fascists to push these boundaries back and who gaslight that people who actually see the threat are being “hysterical”. These “adults in the room” are the people who enable fascism.

Fascism slowly boils democracy and decent society alive, and society cannot jump out.

In Ireland, like seemingly everywhere else, fascism is becoming normalised. It still has a long way to go the fully normalised in this country, but it will likely get there.

I’ve almost been almost very mildly impressed by Cameron as Foreign Secretary.


Can you seperate Israelis from jews?

I certainly can but spoke to 3 different people in recent days and it was very much an anti-new rhetoric in terms of what’s happening in Gaza