A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

You’re talking about a different thing.

It’s the same thing.

Not really. The vast majority of Jews live in Israel or America. American Jews are Americans in the sense that Irish Americans are American. Otherwise you have to accept close to 40 million Americans are Irish.

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For any American based posters with their head wedged firmly up their arse, here’s what Israel says:


“Annihilate Gaza now! NOW!”

"Gaza needs to turn into Dresden! Yes!!

“It is an entire nation out there that is responsible. It is not true this rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved, it’s absolutely not true.”

“We are enacting a complete siege on the city of Gaza. There will be no food, no electricity, no water, no fuel. We are fighting against human animals and will act accordingly.”

“We should drop a nuclear bomb on the Gaza strip tomorrow, flatten it and eliminate everyone there?” “This is one option.”

“Doomsday weapon!”

“Invest all this energy in one thing - erasing all of Gaza from the earth.”

“Gaza should be erased.”

“Burn Gaza no no less!”

“I said burn Gaza. Why should I be ashamed?”

“We are now actually rolling with a Nakba of Gaza.”

Netanyahu constantly refers to Amalek:

The Bible about Amalek: “Do not spare them, but put them to death - men, women, children and infants.”


Israel itself deliberately creates the confusion by embracing the anti-Semitic trope that Jews = Israel.

Netanyahu on his trip to Paris after the Charlie Hebdo massacre in 2015:
“I went to Paris not just as the prime minister of Israel but as a representative of the entire Jewish people."

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Fascism and atrocity crime are linked, but they are not the same thing, no.

His own people will have to oust Bibi after the shooting of the three hostages. If they can’t get rid of him now, they never will.

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The psychological and propaganda processes through which they occur are the same.

Netanyahu is very unlikely to go willingly and will likely be desperate to keep violence going for his own ends. It beggars belief he is still in his job.

Again, linked or similarities yes, the same no.

It’s nuts. The danger of course is, that his replacement is even more susceptible to evil than he is. I just can’t see a moderate faction being able to replace him. If anything, it’s those who are more extreme that he had to appease to return to power.

Israel is nuts


Israel won’t be happy until it has emulated this scene.




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How do you like it


Nice bit of cyber warfare


You’d imagine Israel being in such an arid part of the world, their water network relies heavily on dams. Wonder would the Iranian buckos look to gain control and flood them?