A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

70% of homes in Gaza have now been levelled by Israeli bombs


IDF targetting Beirut


Will these missiles in the Red Sea fizzle out?

International shipping is apparently more important than human lives, so probably yes.

It’s Ukraine that should be in possession of every western weapon that Israel is being lavished with.

Do you think it’ll sort of just end so? Israel will erase Palestine from the face of the earth and that’s it?

I said at the start of this that Gaza would effectively cease to exist because of Israeli genocide and I see no reason to change my position.

History doesn’t just end. The fall out will last decades and will profoundly change western politics and societies. Israel’s future is a nation at war with itself, consumed US style by fascism and/or self-loathing. This is a far bigger deal than the invasion of Iraq. Insane as that was, the US and Britain didn’t go in to obliterate a country.

There are a lot of self styled “very sensible people” with platforms in the west who are thick as pigshit.

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RTE news : Explosions kill 50 during Iranian commander ceremony



US / Israeli air strikes against Iranian backed generals in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon in past few days. They were almost definitely behind bombing the commemoration in Iran yesterday too.

Iran won’t take This lying down


Biden wants all out war in the middle East

The yanks have been bursting for a scrap with Iran for donkey’s years but have never had the pretext to start one. I’d say these Israeli/US bombings and assassinations are an attempt to goad Iran into doing something.


A very fair piece especially when published on the 8th October by an Israeli paper. Probably been posted before - but no harm to post it again.


If true, this will get interesting….,


What will be the next big thing lads? people are sick of this shite now and are moving on

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