A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

This is the sort of slaughter the far right scum in Ballinrobe openly support.



What’s this about?

It’s an Israeli propaganda account.

Definitely not

Recommended by Musk wasn’t it?


They are going in hard on Hezzbollah.


Live feed of South Africa genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice:

Hon Blinne NĂ­ GhrĂĄlaigh

The ICJ is anti semitic now


Infamy! Infamy! They’ve all got it infamy…

I think the South African case will be rejected and a provisional order against Israel will not be granted because politics. And that will mean the ICJ is itself discredited in the same way the US Supreme Court has become discredited.

Russia and China will likely vote against South Africa because they fear the court being used against them in the same way. The US, Australia, Germany, Uganda, India and Japan will also likely vote against. That’s eight of the 15 judges. Some of the other seven are by no means certainties to vote for either.

Real back of a fag box stuff there. Countries don’t vote on the case, the judges are independent. Might have been useful if he’d looked at the Gambia v Myanmar case, which was essentially the same case/request. Many of the same judges. Xue (China) sat on that case and was part of the unanimous decision on provisional measures. So that knocks down his argument that China won’t supports SAs claim because politics. Indian judge the same.

I tend to believe him. Burma is not a country with international influence. Israel very much is.

You should watch some videos from international law experts instead.

I tend to believe the power of political pressure will triumph over the power of justice. I’m cynical like that. I hope I am wrong.

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The case may also fail on its merits. Genocide is an extremely high bar to prove. I don’t know why they didn’t also allege crimes of a lower order also with an easier threshold. But, what they’re basically looking for is an order saying this might be genocide, stop what you’re doing. I think there’s a good chance the Court grants that and the recent Myanmar case is instructive.

It’s high risk though, in my view. If the case fails (which it might on falling short on reaching the threshold for genocide, even though that doesn’t mean the acts aren’t still war crimes or crimes against humanity) Israel says see, most moral army in the world, self defence we can do what we want, all criticism is antisemitism etc etc etc.

If it wins I think it rips the veil away and it’s huge in how the international community interacts with Israel and Palestine.

BBC and Sky News both broadcast Israel’s defence live today. They did not broadcast South Africa’s prosecution yesterday.

Not even hiding it at this stage.

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