A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

The Germans are a bunch of cunts.

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Germanyā€™s current day position towards the people it slaughtered in World War II is almost like satire.

ā€œWe were very nasty to the Soviets and the Jews in World War II, therefore we must give Russia and Israel carte blanche to behave now like we did then.ā€

Talk about learning the wrong lessons from history.

The Germans are never on the right side of a genocide


Germany charging Jews opposed to Israel with being anti-Semitic:

Gas bastards.

For the past several months, Iā€™ve been deeply concerned about Israelā€™s war in Gaza, thinking about what I can say or do, as an American, as a Jew, as a former Congressman. But one thing is crystal clear: the war must end.

I was deeply involved in the US solidarity movement against apartheid in South Africa. Forty years ago this month, I helped confront the trustees of Williams College and launch a hunger strike to demand divestment.

Last weekend, I visited an exhibit on Nelson Mandela at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, the heart of our Arab-American community. When I left the immersive galleries honoring Mandela and emerged into the bright main hall of the museum, I sat down on a bench and wept.

I remember seeing Mandela speak to a packed Tiger Stadium. Through my tears, my feeling was that we have failed Mandela. I heard him asking, What are you doing to advance peace, human rights, and reconciliation amongst those who have been so bitterly at odds?

As a Michigander, Iā€™m concerned about the impact that Bidenā€™s funding of Israelā€™s war will have on our fight against Trump and for democracy. Iā€™m hearing from so many, especially young people, that thousands of innocents dying under US bombs and warplanes makes them feel ashamed.

First, there is an urgent need to stop the carnage in Gaza and Israel-Palestine. I call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and end to settler violence in the West Bank. The killing and mass destruction must end now.

Second, Hamas and any other organization holding hostages must free all of them in exchange for Israel freeing political prisoners, including Marwan Barghouti. This is a crucial step towards peace.
Third, the war in Gaza threatens to spiral into wider conflict. We must prevent this and protect the interests of the people of the region and U.S. national interests.

Fourth, the occupation must end - full stop. There is no military solution to this conflict - only a diplomatic one. The worldā€™s failure to realize the political and human rights of the Palestinian people destabilizes the entire region ā€“ and is unacceptable on its own terms.

Fifth, we must rethink U.S. military aid. Supporting Israelā€™s missile defense is one thing; watching US-provided offensive weapons kill 10,000 children and 23,000 people in massive airstrikes and bombing in Gaza - and subdue the population of the West Bank - is another.

The US, EU, Egypt and Jordan must convene an emergency summit to address Israelā€™s occupation and devise a plan and two-year timetable for a democratic future for Israelis and Palestinians. Countries that have undergone difficult reconciliations should participate.

Life post-occupation could mean two states living side-by-side; Husseini and Beilinā€™s non-geographic confederation; one secular, democratic state; or another plan devised with diplomatic help. The Israeli and Palestinian people will decide; the timeline is not negotiable.

Remember the hostile reaction MLK received when he spoke the truth about Vietnam so early? And yet, he was right.

As we enter Shabbat and our holiday honoring Dr. King and the Civil Rights movement, I will be lighting candles in gratitude for our movements of solidarity to engage in tikkun olam, to repair our broken world.

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Disgusting regime
Puppet master Uncle Sam will always but always back them.



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Looks like itā€™s escalating.


Shits got real.

The hawks in the US military are licking their lips.

They battered it


Seems like itā€™s kicking off on the Egyptian border too

Weapons manufacturers will be creaming themselves.Ching Ching.

They seem to think it was smugglers as opposed to military


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Stand Down


The Americans desperately want nothing to do with this. Be interesting how far Iran go in poking the bear.