A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

You know what makes you look particulary stupid and naive, is that you copy wums and idiots like ncc when trying to insult me. The more you call me a simpleton doesn’t make it any more true.

Not really sure why Arklow, Cork or indeed hurling have anything to do with me not being so bright?

You shouldn’t take everything i say to heart though.

You should spend more time discovering Oz. Or have you done the usual Irish thing (the insular thing) and just gone straight to Sydney and got a job, and hang around with Irish people? I hope you don’t get rejected there as well.

Anyway, back to topic. Obama needs to speak out, he’s been strong on a fair few other issues, he needs to tell these cunts whats what.

Any chance Limerick will set up an anti semite pogrom again? Lets be honest there isnt much going on sporting wise or anything at all really. Might restore some of your proud county’s sense of civic spirit and unity. I’m sure your parents wont mind you using their spare room to kickstart the revolution.

They ethnically cleansed the Arabs off the land. Nothing happened.
They colonized land that wasn’t given to them in 1948. Nothing happened.
They invaded the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and the Sinai peninsula. Nothing happened.
They invaded Lebanon and stood back while Palestinian refugees were massacred in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila. Nothing happened.
They invaded Lebanon again and massacred civilians. Nothing happened.
They massacred Gaza. Nothing happened.
They continue to plant settlers in the West Bank, bulldozing Palestinian homes, with the ultimate aim of driving the Palestinians out.
Nothing happens.

Nothing will happen this time either.

The Turks are an angry bunch though. Twould be a good fight.

The Turks are not happy.


Right so we have people support the Holocaust, no wait, we have people unhappy that the holocaust wasn’t seen out until the end.


The truth shall be revealed.


I’m watching you bro.

Oy jinks.

Any response from the septic tanks yet?
They’ll hardly cut Israel adrift over a few turks anyway.
The UN and Europe will cluck their tongues, stroke their beards and say ‘whats to be done with Israel’ but nothing will happen.


I meant to post this up on the AFR thread about this in response to a couple of the utter cunts of posters, but it turns out I’ve been banned so I’ll throw it up here instead.

Can one of the apologists for the vile terrorist state of Israel please explain the following to me.

What right do immigrants from Poland, Russia, Germany, the USA etc have to land that they or their ancestors going back nearly two thousand years have never even set foot on, over people who were ethnically cleansed off their own land after 1948?

The Israelis have indeed abused history. They are not some brave little state, upholding democracy. They are a totalitarian bully who don’t care what anybody else thinks.

And as for the anti-semite card: don’t make me laugh. One of the people travelling with the flotilla is Hedy Epstein, an 85 year old holocaust survivor. She has been a tireless campaigner for the rights of the people of Gaza. Is she an anti-semite? Is Ilan Pape, who wrote “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine”, an anti-semite? In this country we liked to say, correctly in my view, that the Unionist notion of the six counties as “a Protestant state for a Protestant people” was sectarian. Is the notion of “a Jewish state for a Jewish people” not at least equally sectarian?

The Israeli ambassador to Ireland today said that “Israel has to defend itself”. From a ship carrying humanitarian aid? Which incidentally was sailing in international waters. But it’s not as if Israel has ever given a shit about international law. The strength of the Israeli lobby in the US and UK is such that they can get away with anything. Their spin merchants and big business connections stretch through the whole of Western society like a cancer. The spin even stretches to internet discussion forums on politics and the likes. Outright lying is what they specialise in. How about the whopper from Tom Carew of the Ireland –Israel Friendship League on the Pat Kenny show this morning claiming that the flotilla “had links to Al-Qaeda”?

Who has killed the most civilians in the conflict? Israel. By a mile. Between the start of the second intifada in September 2000 and the start of the Gaza invasion in December 2008 there were 4860 Palestinians killed by the IDF. 527 civilians and 90 IDF members were killed by Palestinians in the same period. This doesn’t include the stats from the Gaza invasion of 08/09 btw. Link to stats: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:cpiq2Hfgl5EJ:www.btselem.org/english/statistics/casualties.asp+israel+civilians+killed+number&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk

And yet it’s the Palestinians who are always painted as the aggressors because the Western media tend to swallow the Israeli propaganda. Palestinian violence was the inevitable reaction of the systematic oppression and brutalisation of a people. If you brutalise a people, don’t be surprised when they fight back.

I don’t advocate suicide bombs, far from it. But what do you expect? Rockets and suicide bombs became the last refuge of a youth that have known nothing other than brutal oppression. Israel has no problem brutalising the people of Gaza after a few rockets. So tell me, who are the real terrorists? In one way it would nearly make you think the British Army weren’t so bad after all. If they had applied Israeli standards, the whole of South Armagh and West Belfast would have been wiped out. I wonder does anybody here think that would have been justified.

The economy of the West Bank and Gaza has been systematically crippled. Israel currently blocks such dangerous items as pencils and chocolate from Gaza. The vast majority of people have no hope of ever getting a job. For many years the people of the West Bank have effectively been prisoners. They can’t go anywhere without being held for hours on end at one of the hundreds of road blocks throughout a piece of land the same size as County Antrim. Their homes are bulldozed to make way for “settlements”, roads and shopping centres that only Israelis can travel on and shop in. The already armed settlers are protected by armed IDF soldiers and huge fences. The shit from the settlements is literally dumped on the Palestinians. Check it out: http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/johann-hari/johann-hari-israel-is-suppressing-a-secret-it-must-face-816661.html

The Jewish settler leader Daniella Weiss is quite clear about the aim of the settlements – it is to ultimately drive the Palestinians out of the West Bank entirely. Israel pays lip service to the notion of two states. Its actions suggest entirely the opposite. This is ethnic cleansing. The Israelis are quite good at it. They’ve had practice.

Those people in Gaza and the West Bank, their parents and grandparents , they were the natives of what is now Israel. They too were burned and bulldozed out of their homes. That’s if they were lucky enough not to get shot. Israel talks about the “right of return” for Jews, people who have no connection whatsoever with that part of the world. What about the right of return for people who are the actual natives. They don’t count I guess.

If you want the real story, why not have a read of some of the work of writers like Gideon Levy, Amira Hass, Ilan Pape or Robert Fisk instead of relying on the Murdoch press from whom you presumably get most of your information. You might learn something.

Superb piece Sid.

:guns: :guns: everyone

sid sums things up nicely there well done sir :clap:

If you have an AFR account feel free to post it up in response to that Cornafean cunt on the thread there. Seems like a real nasty bit of work. I would have done but as I said I got banned.

i have one sid but dont know how

Mickee’s silence on this is very telling.

what’s wrong now?

All this bluster means nothing. Economic sanctions are the only option, and since that didn’t happen when they killed over a thousand civilians in Gaza it won’t happen now either. I imagine the international community will call for ‘restraint’.

The one night you want Newsnight to be on and it’s a bank holiday in Britain :rolleyes:

There’d be fuck all on newsnight.