A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Sounds like Israel are determined to strike back, regardless of what the US say.

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Reckless fuckers


Sure theyā€™ve been in a proxy war with Iran for as long as I can remember. Iā€™d be amazed if they donā€™t retaliate.

Itā€™s ok, they are green missiles

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Very, very little mention of their bombing of Irans embassy in Damascus recently. Craic that theyā€™ve been at for years.

That attack took 7 lives as well and was a breach of international law completely. The likes of Cameron and Biden calling for restraint will be received by deaf ears unfortunately by their war cabinet I reckon.

Their west bank settlers are continuing their illegal removal of palestinians as well. Shit show.

Biden and Cameron have told them the brits and the yanks wonā€™t take part in any ā€œretaliation ā€œ Those Iranians are crazy fuckers. They have the ability to mobilise god knows how many proxyā€™s if the Israelis pile it on

Iā€™d have the other way Mike, I think the zionist regime governing Israel currently are far more dangerous than Iran.

They donā€™t give a fuck at all and are free to do as they wish without any consequence.



Donā€™t disagree with that but youā€™re going after a completely different animal if you attack Iran.

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It seems to me that the Iranians couldnā€™t have telegraphed the drone strikes any more clearly. Their embassy was blown up. I thought their response was extremely measured. Thereā€™s 3d chess being played here. Palestine is just a board.


The Iranians response worked a treat for them. Backed Israel into a corner.

100%ā€¦ They probably told the Americans exactly what they were gonna do, who fed it back.
No civilian sites were targeted apparently.

Letā€™s see what Israel does when rockets are coming from Leb, Syria, Iran at the same timeā€¦ And stones coming from Gaza.

Planned for 2pm Sunday

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Proper regional sectarian clusterfuck of a conflict would be on the cards then. The Sunniā€™s would back Israel.

I believe Jordan helped Israel the other night and had a few birds up patrolling the sky.

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Youā€™re heading toward ww3 proper at that stage then. The Russians and Chinese would pile in behind Iran and drag the yanks and the brits into it.

Iā€™ve seen this coming for 3 years and have been preparing for our new Russian overlords

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That sounds about right.

That didnā€™t take long

The fucking Clare lads should never have dropped Aeroflot as their sponsors. Weā€™ll be razed