A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

They’ve already come out and said they told all the allies in the region about their plans so they could clear airspace etc. These then passed the info onto the US as expected. It’s a bit disingenuous from the US to say they got no warning just because it didnt come directly from Iran.

Sure Biden flew back to the White House that afternoon in preparation.

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Only Israel can get away with “retaliation” for problems they started


Needle away at a nation that hates them but havn’t the capacity to truly hurt them until they launch an embarrassing retaliation, and the international voices indirectly calling for his resignation fade into the distance. Netanhayu’s tactic. He’s currently the world’s most dangerous man and would be no loss if he left this earth early.


Oh the ironing.

I wonder did Katz send Ireland a letter.


The chutzpah


The money behind all this is absolutely phenomenal. Ireland wouldn’t be able to fund a war to last a few days (unless of course the US offered us “loans” to buy rockets from their defence companies)

Why would Ireland be funding a war?

I was listening to a podcast last week about the break down of society due to the distribution of wealth. There was a lovely line about the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire. It takes a 11 days to count to a million. It takes 32 years to count to a billion.

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I see the US are imposing sanctions on group within the Israeli army. How does that work?




Trinity College have handled this really badly.

Trinity is a proper university albeit the spelling isn’t great. The dube wearing goys in UCD should be embarrassed at their failure to even build one barricade


Why do Trinity have the book of kells
anyway? There is an interpretive centre up in Kells. You’d imagine that’s were it should be kept.
