A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Why did Nazi haven Argentina vote no?

Because fascists these days love Israel and the current president of Argentina is a fascist and also a Nazi sympathiser.

Meir Kahane’s cousin this week tried to run over pro-Palestine protestors with his car. This is Zionism’s true face.


Well in all fairness amount of actual nazis that ended up in Argentina after WWII is insane

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Lineker you anti-Semitic bastard!


Incredible to see so many supposed Irish liberals unable to accept any criticism of elements of the pro Palestinian demonstrations.


You’ve chosen to argue against a straw man in the absence of any evidence to support the fantastical claim you’re making.

Standard pro-Israel practice really.


“This is not about politics…”

“The conditions Jewish students are having to endure…”

Good fuck.


Very disturbing that this would happen with an Irish political party. The Irish really are delulu if they think expelling moderate Israelis from the system here is a good idea.

The far left Marxist agitators have had enough


You won’t hear the oddball posters on here mention this.

Some people just don’t to confront the truth and instead wallow in irrelevant internet bunfights.


Egypt announced on Sunday it would back South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice, in a sign of Cairo’s frustration over an Israeli military operation in Gaza’s southern city of Rafah that borders Egypt.

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the move comes “in view of aggravating intensity and scale” of Israeli attacks against civilians in Gaza and the "continued perpetration of systematic practices" against Palestinians, including direct targeting of civilians and destruction of infrastructure.

This has been going on with or without a war in Gaza. This is the real problem in the conflict and one that has been shamefully ignored by the international world.

Just a drunk Lindsay Graham calling for Gaza to be nuked


Is that a fake video? People look imposed into it, quality looks off in some frames

A bonkers article. British “journalist and analyst” Tom Gross. Hamas are prolonging the war because they are winning the PR battle. There is no famine in Gaza, it’s just the antisemitism of the mainstream media. No one knows how many people are being killed in Sudan and that’s how it should be in Gaza. It must take a warped mind to come out with stuff like this is. Gross by name and Gross by nature.