A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Some hope eh, they will all conveniently stand idly by and say nothing.


My opening and possibly only post on this thread:

It takes a particular type of moron to attempt to equate the actions of the Israeli Government/ IDF and any critical analysis of same with anti-semitism.


Takes all sorts.



That’ll sicken the shite of a few posters on here. Capitulating to those no good, privileged, snowflake, mouthy beatnik students that never worked a day in their lives.

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Lazslo sent them home with their tae in a mug.


This is very good



I somehow doubt any Trump supporters will be asking questions:


Ladybird this one for me

Netanyahu has had a long running strategy that Hamas should be funded as the pre-eminent “leader” of Palestine in political terms, in order to paint Palestine as an extremist foe who cannot be negotiated with.


Divide and conquer.

Trump fully supported this strategy.

The fanatical evangelical headbangers who worship Israel and hate Muslims are all in for Trump.

But will they ask questions about why he supported the funding of Hamas? Well, no, obviously, because they’re a cult with blancmanges for brains.

Mick playing 4D chess here to deflect the attention off his Russian leanings

Carlson fawns all over Putin.

Dr. Phil bends over for Netanyahu.

What next? Some Fox News dolly making love to an Adolf Hitler blow up doll?

Remember, this is what @Kyle and @glenshane call “proper journalism”.


You couldn’t be up to those anti-Semitic wasps.


IDF: 12 soldiers evacuated for treatment after being stung by wasps in southern Gaza

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The wasps are Hamas.

Debate on Palestine membership of the UN today. As part of his speech the Israeli ambassador took out a mini shredder and shredded a copy of the UN Charter. It’d be laughable if they weren’t so deranged.

Gilad Erdan, Israel’s UN delegate, accused the intentional body of attempting to allow a “terror state” into its membership led by the “Hitlers of our time” during debate on the upcoming resolution. Erdan also shredded a copy of the UN charter, accusing members of doing so while debating the resolution.

What do the likes of Micronesia and Nauru have against Palestine?

Israel has learned well from Putin and the US’s abuse at Abu Ghraib.

We hear from Bono about Alexei Navalny but not about Palestine’s leading orthopaedic surgeon Adnan al-Bursh who the Israelis abducted and then murdered in prison.

Is Hamas not an Israeli conjured faction aimed at dividing PLO support?

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