A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

The current Khamenei stated in 2009:
ā€œNo one will allow a bunch of thugs, lechers and outcasts from London, America and Moscow to rule over the Palestinians.ā€

I find it difficult to disagree with his description.

ā€œFree pressā€


Given this is a tweet by Sky News it seems appropriate to state that anchor Belle Donati has not appeared on Sky News since Israeli propagandist Danny Danon wrote to the channel demanding her sacking after she interviewed him in January.

Similar has happened to Sangita Myska at LBC.


Jaysus Palestine, I barely recognised ya

Is the governments plan to recognise the state of Palestine just a popularity vote grabbing exercise?

If it is, well it seems to be working. Sinn FĆ©in are down in the poles heading into the upcoming election.

The only question that matters is: Is it the right thing to do?

Absolutely amazing gremlin in the system there on the RTE radio broadcast as MicheĆ”l Martinā€™s voice repeats the words ā€œself-determinationā€ over and over again with an echo.

Thatā€™s the sort of sound effect that a socially minded rap artist dreams of.

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Iā€™m not surprised. Ever since the GFA, Sinn Fein just havenā€™t been able to get their hands on good cable ties anymore.


The feet on the ground arenā€™t willing to climb the ladders needed

Dead people dont read posters.


It was in the programme for government.

Iā€™ll not post at 6am any moreā€¦

The true face of the oppressed is a pro-genocide hot girl drinking cocktails and farming for clicks and profile.

Mwah, dahling.

I wonder does her lovely daddy work in KPMG.


That was in the paper a few days ago. There was actually one example of antisemitism in it. The rest was a load of shite, especially the contribution from the other lady in it.

She wrote this without a hint of irony. Mind bending stuff.

Screenshot (616)

The other contributor Agne Kniuraite has, like Rachel Moiselle, also been published by the fanatically pro-Israel Jewish Chronicle.

All this is about profile, for the pro-Israel lobby to find a photogenic poster girl, a Genocide Barbie, to act as Irelandā€™s answer to Rachel Riley, and for her to build that profile and advance her career from such.

Itā€™s such a transparent sham. Itā€™ll work for Rachel Moiselle because she has the looks for the job and isnā€™t afraid to flaunt them.

Hereā€™s something from the Jewish Chronicle published under a previous ownership. Wouldnā€™t get published now.

Jews must never stand with Nazis or Christian fundamentalists like Breivik or the right wing nutters in the US such as Pastor Huggie.

Tell me you need to be sectioned without telling me you need to be sectioned.


One for the Experts thread.

Lord Kilclooney should be the Taoiseach of a United Ireland.


Itā€™s a nice distraction from the actual issues they should be dealing with Health/Housing/Crime etc


Harris has a 3 minute video on Instagram giving a very statesman address. Its the best Iā€™ve heard any Irish leader speak (which is a very low bar obviously). If it is a vote grabbing exercise then it has a high likelihood of working. Sinn Fein canā€™t speak out against it calling it a vote grabbing exercise as their own supporters are so sympathetic to Palestine. Harris appears to be playing 4D chess here with the only negative sentiment coming internationally