A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

His account has been hacked surely.

Yes. Sinn Fein if they were in government would have probably recognised them in 1988 when the state was formally declared in Algeria. Weā€™re one of the last countries to do it. Leo knew that it would appease Sinn Fein voters as well as the majority of the youth of today, those affected by colonisation policies around the border countiesā€¦basically, the people who are going to vote them out.

Im sure he his. And having a little wank to himself about the cleverness of it all. However, heā€™s kidding himself if he thinks it will bring him a heap of votes. When the general election comes people will be voting on housing, health and a bit of immigration. The 20-35year olds who cant buy a gaff will still want to kill him.


Kilclooneyā€™s Twitter account has been consistently sympathetic to Palestine for years.

I donā€™t know what the actual craic is with his account, if itā€™s actually himself, or run by a Twitter savvy liberal Unionist adviser/younger relation, or a combination of both, but itā€™s a phenomenal account. Heā€™s absolutely BOX OFFICE. Kilclooneyā€™s Twitter persona works on the premise of him being a lovable, dotty, casually but unthreateningly slightly racist and misogynist Grandad/Great Grandad (ā€œa classic man of his timeā€) who is surprisingly progressive behind it all. Itā€™s a beautifully subversive account. He has the persona off to a tee.

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Weā€™re one of the first European countries to do it. Only Sweden were before us I think.

It depresses me how a decision which is clearly the right one and widely supported in the country at large, but also a pretty brave one given the political climate in Europe and the west in general, can only be seen by some people as a cynical move to outpoint political opponents, rather than just being seen as a positive development which marks us out from our contemporaries.

I think it says a lot about the degree to which social media and the INTERNET has poisoned peopleā€™s brains into terminal negativity. Itā€™s deeply unhealthy for society that this is the case.

I have never once heard Harris talk about supporting Palestine before he became taoiseach. I am 100% certain that his decision is for domestic political reasons. Heā€™s an opportunist opportuning.



You must have been asleep then.


Even in the purely hypothetical event that it is for cynical reasons, so what?

Itā€™s the right decision. What more is there to say?

My view has increasingly hardened that the vast majority of people - including many people actually involved in politics - have no real interest in real issues. Theyā€™d prefer to see good decisions not made at all rather than see them being made by people theyā€™ve built their persona around being against.

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Simon Harris is like an actor playing a politician.

Heā€™s so coached looking itā€™s off putting. Thereā€™s nothing natural about him.

Even the grey is fake


Iā€™ll be voting for fiana Gael in the next election after watching this.

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As I said above, it was in the programme for government, itā€™s been in the world for ages. He just happened to be on the end of it for the tap in. His speech was excellent too.

And still nobody can show me any evidence of Harris being pro palestineā€¦

A number of other states did it before they joined the EU. Eight in total now.

Thank you for the clarification. Weā€™re still heavily outnumbered in Europe on this issue. Hopefully more will follow. If France was to follow it would be a big enough deal.

Itā€™s a sad case indeed. Little to do with being on the right side of history as remarked today.

Most of the ex communist states in Europe recognised Palestinian statehood first I think, with Sweden being the first major country to do so after that.

In fairness, Leo kind of forced his hand on that one.

It has everything to do with being on the right side of history. There are no potential gains for Ireland in an economic or even wider political sense with the countries we deal most with, quite the opposite. We stand to alienate the US and there will likely be a concerted attack by pro-Israel interests on Foreign Direct Investment here.

The US looking sanction to the ICC because they donā€™t agree with them is pretty bonkers stuff. I hadnā€™t realised theyā€™ve done this previously.

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I believe that Fine Gael are not doing it out of being on the right side of history, and only out of wetting the bed theyā€™re sharing with their mortal enemy of old who are wetting the bed back at them that the Nordies have come out of the mist to party-poop their age-old political relay race.
There was a time when no government here could bite the American hand that sometimes fed us scraps, but weā€™re now in a position that American companies here I imagine are terrorā€™d at the thought of returning to the lower profitability and also the instability that is wrecking their former home.
The U.S. is losing itā€™s sway and power fast in the world. One recently highlighted example was the UAE not kow-towing to the yanks in their moves against the Kinahan cartel.
Israel will play dirty with Ireland for a while, but it would help dilute the impact if as many of the remaining states that havnā€™t recognised Palestine to swiftly follow suit.

The yanks might be concerned that the ICC might grow a set of balls some day and issue arrest warrants for some of their own.