A new low for Israel. How low can they go?



You just don’t want to give any credit to politicians from other parties for making the right decision. That’s the cynicism in play here, not the decision itself.

The US is seemingly doing everything in its power to destroy its own power and influence across the world. First by completely morally bankrupting itself in service to a genocidal regime, and in November when it re-installs pro-Russia fascism in the US itself.

One place however that the US will not lose its influence is Ireland, because money. It’s quite brave to make a morally just decision in the face of all that money and the political influence behind it.

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How many times have I to point out this was in the programme for government. It wasn’t done on a whim. They’d committed to doing this for a long time.

They’ve been ‘talking’ about it since the late 1960’s. Nearly 60yrs.

What’s your point?

Committing to something and not doing it for 60yrs until it suits yourself is a bit of cod.


This is getting really creepy now.

One thing Paddy hates is Johnny Foreigner attacking one of our own.

FG + 12

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It was committed to in the programme for government about four years ago. First you said it was done on a whim and now you say it was committed to sixty year ago. You’re not making any sense.

@Tim_Riggins agrees with this post and finds it chilling. You are making light of this person’s lived experience.

One of the things I love about Twitter is how all the Israeli genocide apologists have adopted the touchy feely language of the online liberal left in order to console themselves in the face of their lust for genocide meeting with such opposition internationally, at least outside of their client governments.

Solidarity with you, @Irelandisacesspit583753039, @Fuckireland4723939 and @Palestinedoesnotexist1948 in the face of such anti-Semitism. We stand with you.

Aontu has massively misjudged its target voters. Not many anti-abortion/pro-Palestine people out there.


Recognising the State of Palestine at this point doesn’t particularly bother me.

Pretending as though there isn’t anti sensitising and making anti semitic inferences does.

It’s rather puzzling how Israel’s minister for combatting anti-Semitism would choose to share a stage with some of Europe’s most noted anti-Semites.

It’s almost like they aren’t interested in combatting anti-Semitism at all?

Could somebody more knowledgeable than me perhaps explain why Israel’s strongest support base in Europe now is the far right?


So these people are now Israel’s allies? Can anybody explain this alliance in plain language? What’s going on?

Israeli minister addresses convention hosted by Spanish far-right party with neo-Nazi ties

In Spain, Vox is controversial both for its platform, which includes restricting abortion access and domestic violence laws and shuttering the ministry of equality, and for a history of neo-Nazis.

But as it’s stated above, it’s antisemitism. Who are you to deny that?

Except it isn’t. Did you just get excited with the name of the account?

Owen Jones made an awful gobshite of Jennifer Carroll MacNeill and Dan O’Brien on TV3 tonight.

O’Brien seems to be an amoral gobshite who is implicitly pro-Israel. Speculating about Israel deliberately putting Irish peacekeepers’ lives at risk as a result of Ireland recognising Palestine, and implying that Israel would be justified in doing this and that Ireland should change its policy.

Jones correctly pointed out the bleedin’ obvious that if Israel did this it would be an utterly unacceptable act that would mean that Israel is a state that openly menaces Ireland.

But this seemed beyond O’Brien’s comprehension, or perhaps he actually wants this to happen.

Good to see you’ve seen the light mate.