A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

I’m sure Israel would have had no issues with that

Extremists like Netanyahu would argue that it would just give Hamas a base, but the counter argument is it would give them a home, and it would appease them by stopping Israeli settlers inching in to the west bank. But it would be a standalone country, if the new Palestinian state backed the destruction of Israel through terrorism then they would have to face consequences. The UN would have to go in for decades to oversee it but they can do that.

I’m sure they would, these consequences only apply to the little guy though

Well if Israel decided to attack the new state for some reason then they would rightly be held to account. What’s happening now is a mess. Israel had a right to try save hostages and also smash Hamas for what they did. They’ve gone way past a reasonable response. some of them saw October an an existential threat, others like Netanyahu maybe as an opportunity. Plus Hamas are happy to put civilians in harms way, creating a true crisis.

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Where exactly do they even have hostages at this stage?

They’ve levelled the place.

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Didnt they agree to a ceasefire a few weeks ago before bombing the shit out of refugee camps they designated as safe zones?

Only 4% of Jews in Israel think Israel has gone “too far” according to Pew Research.

When does the west stand up and state the uncomfortable fact that Israel as a society is now utterly indivisible from fascism?


Seems like this might cause an issue

Sky Middle East correspondent Alistair Bunkall says he has been told the deal has not been made “with the cooperation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu”.

“Sources close to Mr Netanyahu” have told him they do not “wholly recognise or agree with” the proposal outlined by Mr Biden on Friday.



Jesus, a lot of emotion there, really needed a packed room

We need more accents like that in the Dail :clap::clap:


Fair play to him

Fair play to him indeed.

I’m sure his sentiments were genuine, but at the end of the day once Biden says work away lads to Nethanyahu, thats it.

Its horrific.

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“Irish” :grin:


Trump,Trump, Trump…


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Ukraine and Palestine wouldnt have happened under his watch

Support Palestine, get refused healthcare




Johnny Greenwood being a wanker.

He always looked a wrong un