A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

164 to 143, I think. Not much in it. Palestine moving up fast on the outside.

Aye. It seems like most of the world thinks both should exist

I think what you’re at here is trying to use the context of ongoing ethnic cleansing mass atrocity to get a reaction and I think it’s moronic, and pathetic.

Correction, 145. Both states have a right to exist, Israel within it’s pre 67 borders and with refugees allowed return home and withdrawn from all its illegal colonies, with appropriate reparations to Palestine.

“I know you are but what am I!” to finish it off, I forgot your MO here!

The flip flop is there to see. Two of your most cherished things go out the window when it comes to Jews and Israel.

I’m not using it in any context, I didn’t post it.

Much like @Cheasty, your values go out the window when it comes to Israel.

You know it’s okay to criticise but not support every single thing that your side posts?

Northern Ireland is a colonial project. Is it somehow “controversial” to point that out? It was set up as a Protestant state for a Protestant people, a people who were planted there to displace the natives and ensure a population with loyalty to the British crown.

At least now there is peace in Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland isn’t dropping bombs on the Republic of Ireland. That doesn’t change the fact it’s a colonial project and it doesn’t change the fact the Ulster plantation was a colonial project.

So please explain why it is okay to post a meme that says the child of a refugee born in Israel is Polish?

You wouldn’t say it is okay for any other scenario and you know it.


The post I called moronic was moronic. You didn’t post the post you posted you say? You’re genuinely a moron.

So we’re at the dancing around stage with you before you run off.

Pretty pathetic Tim, even by your standards.

More bluster delivered in a tone that makes clear you’re impersonating John McGuirk.

So is it OK to call Mark Regev Australian? Is it OK to call Eylon Levy English?

Or are they supposed to somehow be native to Israel and the people who were banished from the land that now constitutes the state of Israel are “foreigners”?

Ah to be fair that is his “standard”. Dimmy supported Trump, remember. It’s his DNA.

The context here is mass atrocity, I don’t think even Tim has used something like that as a basis dog whistling in the past.

What is?

This is your excuse -

Nobody forced you to react, but you did.

And you seem to have no issue with what she posted but as we all know you’d go ape in any other context.

There’s right and wrong.

Calling the children of refugees born somewhere else colonisers is the language of the far right.

You know it, I know it.

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Ah he has to be fair. When Trump supporters were daubing anti-Jewish graffiti in 2016 he thought it was a great laugh.

Posting this again for anybody who hasn’t seen it. This is the true colonial, genocidal face of Israel.



Her post may have been poorly phrased but you and whoever you posted are, I think, purposely trying to misconstrue it.

You’ve gone further though. Your of Gallant and his grandmother had no relevance to anything, it’s pure dog whistling, and the context is the mass atrocity Gallant is spearheading. I think it’s moronic and it’s really, really pathetic.

Once again, people can self identify in many different ways.

The facts are that you do not reconsider the legitimacy of Israel despite previously claiming that;

You were even worse than the post the Senator made, calling someone born somewhere through no fault of their own a coloniser. You wouldn’t stand for it in any other context.

It is really quite sad how posters who claim to have strong values throw them away in scenarios like this. All over the internet too, you can see how war crimes happen in real life.

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Somebody badly needs attention.