A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Even with your limiting language of “poorly phrased” that you have finally arrived on, the easy thing here would for you to have said that at the outset and moved on. Not for you though- you have to windmill away here to deflect.

My post of Gallant was absolutely relevant. She was a Holocaust survivor and a refugee. Gallant was born in the new State of Israel. The meme said he was from Poland. The reason I posted the picture is because in your rush to dehumanise this conflict, you seem to forget that there are faces behind it all.

Would you ever cop on. They’re colonisers because they’re actively trying to ethnically cleanse, colonise and annex territory that is not theirs. If they’d not do that they wouldn’t be colonisers.

Gallant is the face of a war criminal, hopefully he’s killed.


All I see is two lads rattled because they have been called out there.

Irrelevant, more distraction tactics.

The fact is you would not accept that meme even as “poorly phrased” in any other context from the Senator.

Your standards and values go astray on this one.

Dimmy valiantly avoids the subject that Gallant openly wants the elimination of all life in Gaza, instead obsessively focussing on a tweet by an Irish senator that he desperately wants to frame as racist towards a genocidal maniac.

In 1942 he’d have been furiously defending the right of Adolf Hitler to be called a German and portraying Jews and anybody in the international sphere who defended their right to exist as human beings as racists.


The fella frantically screenshotting calling other people rattled. :joy: :joy: :joy:

In his next episode, @Tim_Riggins will post photos of Slobodan Milošević to “humanise” mass atrocity in Croatia and Bosnia.

Again, nothing to do with the topic at hand but yourself and @Cheasty can continue to windmill instead of taking a hard look in the mirror.

Wheeling out the INTERNET buzzwords now that you’re out of all other pro-genocide trolling ideas.

He’d have loved this.




Top trolling from @Tim_Riggins :clap::clap::clap:

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Another terrorist neutralised.

A bit awkward for the yanks.

Mossad are some operators :clap:

Next level shit.

The Yanks should be employing these tactics against the Russians because they clearly have the knowledge to do it.


The Iranian ambassador to Lebanon is one of those injured.


These groups are just pissing into the wind from what I can see.

Israel will slowly just wipe out the Palestinians while the world watchs on.

You’d think in the era of citizen journalism that this sort of thing wouldn’t happen.

Not only is it completely predictable, but the reality is a hell of a lot of people actually get off on genocide. We have posters like that here.

The brilliant Robert Evans (who everybody should listen to on Behind The Bastards) said something recently:
“Democracy doesn’t die in darkness (as the Washington Post claimed), it dies with millions of flashing lights shining on it, like a dancefloor.”

And that’s how genocide happens too.