A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

This guy claims to know EVERYTHING @TreatyStones


I fucking knew Coolmore had something to do with it


Nothing added but timers



Wouldn’t it be counter-terrorism in their book?

You could never accuse the Israelis of phoning it in, at least

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Everybody carries pagers on their belt, pocket or perhaps in their shirt pocket.

I can’t imagine the injuries low down. Those that died probably had it in their shirt pocket.

Worse than cluster bombs. Head height for any child nearby.

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What’s Israel’s book these days? Mein Kampf?

Absolute fucking mentalist. This lad would happily be riding around in a kkk outfit if they were still on the go.

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Bonkers stuff.

What the Israelis are doing now…

The IDF have to have made a serious dent in the Hezzbollah command chain and weapons stockpile over the past 6 months? Hard to see what extra Hezzbollah would have to throw at them as a response.

I’d say the IDF would love a response and then they’ll put boots on ground in Lebanon to create a buffer zone

Iranians have a big enough stockpile to keep feeding them a while yet i imagine

That’s the very personification of a CUNT right there.

Well obviously, he’s a Republican.

if you’re posting from Lebanon, get the hell away from any electronic or battery powered device.


Looks to me they are trying to force a rushed response.


The audacity, ingenuity and execution of this plan by the Israelis is remarkable.

I wonder what unexpected consequences it will have.