A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Must be some fuckin timer :blush:


The psychological aspect of it is probably hardest hit. The fact they know the Israelis are that far infiltrated in their organization has to be devastating.

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Being blinded or having your hands and balls blown off probably hits harder.

Fellas be terrified to do anything now.

Won’t be logging into their bet365 account for a bit.


Would give a new meaning to losing your balls

@peddlerscross does Big Rob Ryan have a pager hanging off that belt with all the keys? Someone had better tell him to be careful.

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You are enthralled by today’s Israeli terrorism but appalled by historical ira terrorism?


What’s this got to do with the IRA?

Is what the Israelis did not remarkable ?

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I’m just pointing out your hypocrisy. Good terrorism v Bad terrorism.

The maiming and killing of innocent people is not something i would describe as remarkable.

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An Israeli shill thinks it’s cool too. You are in good company.

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You’ve defended the IRA lots of times who killed and maimed lots of people.

Putting explosives in hundreds or thousands of pagers used by your enemy’s combatants and blowing them up at same is remarkable. Look up the definition ffs. Nothing like it has ever been done before.

Was the 8 year girl that was killed a 'combatant?

I didn’t say she was. Strawman

You have made jokes on here about the murder of Mountbatten and weren’t too concerned about the two young boys who died in that bomb.

So spare me the po faced performative outrage.

This reads like someone applauding the audacity and ingenuity of Fred West


You’re clapping like a seal at the ‘ingenuity’ of the act of terrorism that has killed and maimed children and then got scaldy when you are pulled up on it.

Fuck Mountbatten the paedophile.

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I never clapped or said I approved.

You need to read the words on the page and not rush in to try and make a silly point.

Why did you make jokes about a bomb that killed two teenage boys.