A new low for Israel. How low can they go?


When do you think it’ll start impacting the western world on a day to day basis?

Didn’t the price of food shoot up fairly quickly when Russia and Ukraine kicked off or did I have that wrong.

I saw this last night and was going to post about it. They are fucking sick. The entire IDF is a sick organisation. And they all go through it at 18, so no wonder their whole society is unhinged.


No respect for the living or the dead

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Israel doesn’t contribute much to the World, it won’t make any difference to your life unless they get as far as Iraq or somewhere with oil. Or you work in the diamond bidness

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It already has because Israel has demolished the west’s claim to be operating based on any semblance of values.

That’s a disaster for those of us of who believe there needs to be an international order based on values, which is the majority of people.

We’re trapped between two sides, one which is at best standing idly by as genocide and forever war is inflicted on the region by its ally, at worst actively cheerleading it, and the other side which is a monster which seeks the total demolition of any rules based order in the world and its replacement with a trans national mafia dedicated to crime, war, genocide and enslavement.


They are massive in the cyber security space. My pal who works in that area recently had to evaluate some vendors and one of them was Israeli so just immediately removed them from the process.


You couldn’t trust an israeli company with your security now

You till could explode sure

Have an Israeli looking after your cyber security is like hiring a serial killer to look after the icu

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You could but it might blow up in your face.

30 more rockets are they doing at harm though?

You have to hurt them in the pocket

Ibrahim Aqil – top commander wanted by US for alleged role in 1983 US embassy bombings – killed in southern Beirut, Reuters reports

That should calm things


Would it be safe to say the more it dials up in the Middle East the more it plays into trumps hands ?

From a betting perspective?


Yes and no. If Israel keep bombing the shit out of everyone, he can let them off and it won’t matter a fuck to him. If however it escalated into a full blown war, the yanks will get dragged into it and that’s when it’ll get messy for him.

Do you mean messy when he’s president or before the election?