A new low for Israel. How low can they go?


A few scribes I was listening to seemed to think these lads would be putting up much more of a fight than Hamas.

Iā€™m not so sure myself.


There is clearly a mole right at the very top of Hizbollah. The Israelis hardly decided to set up a factory manufacturing pagers on the off chance that Hizbollah would switch over to them.


the greatest club in the world

Iā€™d say the Hizbullocks were already on the pagers, the israelis just snuck into the middle of it.

Thereā€™s nothing safe on a phone these days. Thereā€™s nothing safe at all really it would seem

Thinking that one through, they clearly could have targetted specific devices as opposed to all. Theyd have weighed up whether they wanted to avoid collateral civilians or detonate all irrespective.

Shows the level of contempt they have for others

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This will be a different kettle of fish altogether. The Iranians will be arming these lads on the far side, where as the Israelis have Gaza surrounded.

That said the Israelis will blow them to smithereens in open war fare. But itā€™ll be their Afghanistan if they try to hold onto it. Not really sure what their end game is here, occupy it and drive them back a few hundred kms from their border I guess?

Isnā€™t your man in charge facing jail when the war ends?

My understanding thereā€™s a river they are eager to push out to so the rockets canā€™t reach northern Israel.

They say the skies of lebanon are burning
Those mighty cedars bleeding in the heat
Theyā€™re showing pictures on the television
Women and children dying in the streets

Written 39 years ago.

The more things change etc

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Hezbollahā€™s procurement guy must be shitting himself.

Hopefully he got a decent warranty on the pagers. Otherwise heā€™s fucked.

Whoever has to buy the replacements really canā€™t do any worse than his predecessor

Turning the pagers of history

Whoever they were able to get at must have been very naughty.

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I think they reported already they stopped using mobile phones and were told to use pagers after a number of hacks

The hizzbollah lads mustnā€™t have watched the first season of the wire

All the Lebanese want is to be left to their own devices.


Theyā€™ve bombarded Northern Israel today. 140+ rockets launched so far.