A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Israeli propaganda account.

Who’s the friend? You?


A headline the IDF could only write? You’d be wrong.

Genuine question for anyone following this more intently. Have the Iranians. Lebanese, hammas, hezbullah any means of significant retaliation air. What are the chances of waking up to the news some morning seeing telaviv razed?

Pretty much the whole of the worldwide media phrases stories through language favourable to Israel.

In the US, they do the same with Trump, they consistently frame stories through language which favours and whitewashes him.

Israel, like Russia, is a grotesque monster of a state whose central defining value is that of bloodlust.

Russia buys egotistical cunts and rapists and paedophiles in the west to do its bidding for it. Israel doesn’t have to buy anybody. Western media and politics voluntarily obeys Israel.

Bullying works, because there are few people in positions of influence in politics and media and business and culture in the west who have the backbone to tell the truth. Telling the truth means trouble for you.


The video is nearly an hour long. Takes over a minute to view the 0 years old name’s


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I’m not sure theres anything to rival the Hasbara program. They may not need to buy you but there is a moral hazard in not being a critic or taking a stand as it will be detrimental for your own outcomes. Even working for an American company here in Cork there are training modules to complete periodically. They can range from data security to sexual harrassment, inclusivity, unconscious bias the latest. Usually there is a multiple choice test at the end in which you have to answer so many correctly to complete. 1 of the modules this year focussed just around Israel and fair trade practices. Bit pointed the timing. Anyway on and on how it was now illegal to boycott Israel as they are a US ally under new anti bds laws following a new act.

“Is it illegal to boycott Israel?” “Yes”
“Which one of these is a friendly nation?” Iran, “Iraq”, “Israel”? “Israel”

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Israel is about threat. The threat that if you say something Israel doesn’t like, your life will be made hell. At whatever level you’re at.

Most people like an easy life. They don’t like their lives being made misery or their livelihood or future career being destroyed. And thus Israel’s propaganda and its lobby works.

Israel is the only country in the world that operates like this. It holds the entirety of the west hostage.

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Israelis say “they want to kill us”.

Well, yeah, they want to kill you because you’ve been killing them for 80 years and you’re only getting worse.

Like, fucking duh.

I mean would the Jews have killed Nazis if they had the chance?

They really hate us. It’s one thing that’d make you proud to be Irish.


This is worth 15 minutes of your time. Israel has lied and lied and lied and the world’s press has just swallowed it, in some cases like the New York Times it employed actual Israeli propagandists to pose as fake journalists.


He deleted it. Unsurprisingly he’s a massive Trumpist and former adviser to Trump. But shure we have lads here who cheerlead him and his ilk.

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This piece shows up the complete failure and lack of any sense of values of American diplomacy.

This one sums up how if Trump gets in it becomes worse.

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Both US parties are guilty of appeasing Isreal and have blood on their hands. Equally the forum here is united in the hatred of the genocidal state.

Was the a None of the Above option?
The simple fact is there are no good guys in the Middle East. Except the innocent people being bombed.

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Lindsey Graham is an egomaniac and a lunatic. He openly wants war with Iran. He denies the right to a Palestinian state and thinks the Palestinians should be serfs of Saudi Arabia. Israel can do no wrong in his eyes. His interview on Channel 4 the other night was terrifying. It was like listening to the “I’m extremely arrogant and therefore I’m right” headbangers before the Iraq war, on steroids.

I didn’t advocate for him.

I wasn’t claiming you were advocating for him. I posted the full interview with him because everybody should watch it to see what a lunatic he is and what lunacy Trump will bring if he gets in.

If people think it’s bad now, and it’s terrible, it can get way worse. Bad as the Democrats are on this, support for Trump equals support for genocide and wider war.

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Graham is a closet homo.You can be sure Mossad have lots of dirt on him.