A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Israel openly firing on UN Troops to drive them out Southern Lebanon so they can massacre the population like they’ve done in Gaza.

They want to eliminate Hezbollah as well as their voter base / supporters. Literally get rid of the garden to kill the weeds.

If it was anyone else in the World the US would be blowing them to smithereens. Bought and paid for and it didn’t cost them much

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They are cunning though. So, so clever.

There’s just no stopping these savages, firing at the UN and now about to level Lebanon. Sure they might as well go into Jordan while they’re at it.

No food or water let into Gaza either for ten days or so

As long as the yanks turn a blind eye to it, they won’t be stopped

The US are salivating at the chance to get Israel to retaliate against Iran. They won’t do anything to rein them in until that is done.

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Once you start off on the road they’re on of breaking any rule, justifying any act, committing any atrocity, it only gets worse and more depraved. It’s like they’re on a curve. I said at the start of this it’s hard to see how they can ever be walked back to anything approaching a normal society. Not that they were one before.

The only way they can be brought to heel is if Europe and the US take them to task.

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Maybe they’ll listen to whoever wins the upcoming election, Biden is yesterday’s man so they won’t listen to him anyway.

Listen to them saying here’s more bombs is it?


The only way they’ll listen is if the yanks pull the money and arms. I can’t see that happening regardless of who wins. @TreatyStones is right. If they go into Iran, they’ll be doing the Americans dirty work for them so they won’t pull the plug

Trump is constantly mentioning nuclear weapons. Prob tells you what they want. Israel’ to destroy whatever Iran have in that regard.

The West Bank will get the same treatment as Gaza. As will at least half Lebanon. This is a full on lebensraum push.

There’ll be condo’s everywhere

Sky News saying the US might be sending them some missile defence systems, each one needs a bunch of US soldiers to use it. This is going to get messy.

Israel wants our soldiers dead. And they’ll probably succeed at some point over the coming days.


Isralis have always taken pot shots at UN soldiers. A sniper had my auld fella pinned down for an hour or so just for shits and giggles - back in 1979.

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There’s another Qana massacre on the cards here