A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Thereā€™s some disturbing if not wholly surprising sentiments uttered there, and on camera, itā€™s been on my mind a bit over the past few days, along with that video of the 10 year old below.

Fucked up situation, an unpleasant reminder of what I imagine the situation was for your own people in the not so distant past

Just below Nickeragua.

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ā€œFree Palestineā€ just sounds sexier than ā€œFree East Turkestanā€. Sure Turkestan sounds like a makey-uppy kind of place.

Some parallels I suppose. The violence there seems for institutional, more acceptable and blatant. The sectarianism seems to have a different edge to it, in some ways it might actually be a simpler problem to solve. The attitudes on that video arenā€™t going anywhere for decades if not centuriesā€¦ so trying to change them wont be part of a solution.

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The lads think they are still below in the Pav

We threw out the Catholic Church, now time to throw out the Jews.

Thereā€™s some awful shit going on in parts of Africa, parts so obscure I canā€™t even remember what they are called, but they show up from time to time in a news article online. Nobody really cares though.


Thereā€™s a strange twitter movement at the moment, seeing it here as well
It goes that because thereā€™s bad stuff going down in other places as well then itā€™s hypocritical to highlight Israel, currently the biggest news story on the planet

Why is this?


donā€™t try and rationalise twitter pal, there is absolutely no benefit in doing so.

Itā€™s a lovely neat way of cancelling debate/criticism isnt it?

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I bring it up here because itā€™s crept in here as well

Israel out of Ireland. NOW.


Why is it the biggest news story? In Europe and the US maybe but I think you might be stretching it by calling it the biggest story on the planet. Your average African, Indian or China man is hardly too bothered by it.

I imagine COVID still holds that one around the world.

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Globally Iā€™d say it is, Covid is no longer a ā€˜storyā€™

The Chinese, Africans and Indians may have their own shit going on to keep it off the front page.

But really, are we discussing this?

I am happy to take that particular claim back if it is going to deflect from the rest of what I said

The arbiter of what the forum should think has spoken.

Itā€™s a story in the ā€œWestā€ because it is a problem created by the west. But the ā€œwestā€ is not the centre of the universe. The vast majority of the worlds population has its own shit to deal with.

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Israel need to git tae fuck.