A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Who do you think a boycott of products made in the occupied territories would hurt? It certainly wouldn’t hurt Israel with it’s $105B in exports compared to $3B from the West Bank/Gaza. Almost all of the exports are agricultural, and about 90% of those employed in the occupied territories are formally or informally working in that sector. A boycott would cause economic devastation.

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Way to miss the point dum dum.

Explain how a boycott of goods made in occupied territories would help put pressure on Israel?


You’re being silly, Italy is a founding member of the EEC, there is no comparison.

sure italy has no problem with organised crime, corruption, trampling of human rights and financial misconduct :smiley:

You’re not comparing like with like. Italy was a founding member of the EEC in 1958, Hungary joined the EU in the early 2000s sometime. There’s pretty much no comparison.

Still waiting for your explanation dum dum.

The problem here isn’t necessarily Israel but the Zionist filth that control it.


They have to go.

Ireland already has an occupied territories bill doesn’t it, it is waiting to be enacted?

its going nowhere, probably wouldnt pass muster from a constitutional POV

You have it backwards. Criticism of Israel is fair, the hypocrisy is ignoring human rights violations elsewhere, or in some cases defending it. The UN estimates there are 1 million Uyghurs held in concentration camps in Xinjiang. Slave labor and forced sterilization are employed by the Chinese government against the Urghurs, genocide by the UN’s own definition. Why isn’t this the “biggest news story on the planet”? Why are people in the west who supposedly care about human rights still buying products made in China? Why are they buying iphones that are made using slave labor?

While Israel deserves criticism, a lot of the rhetoric on these pages and elsewhere is based on ignorance of the conflict, like @glasagusban suggesting a boycott of products from the occupied territories. The West Bank is governed by the Palestinian Authority, Gaza is governed by Hamas, any economic measures against those two hurt Palestinians, not Israel.


Whattaboutery is used by all sides .

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I owe an update post here - it was the Chavut holiday here sunday night and yesterday and we had a rather conflicting family circumastance where her sister wanted us to all go to Na’ale on Sunday night for dinner… I refused ( first time i actually in all my time here actually felt its too dangerous to go out after dark) and driving on 443 to an exit outside Modi’in Illit that contains signs like " it is illegal for Israeli ID holders to enter beyond this point" or " last exit for palestinan traffic in 2kms" , fuck that - with the amount of car jackings, stonings, lynches in the last week it wasnt worth the hassle of driving thru the eye of the storm.
Her mother in Jerusalem is on the verge of a breakdown as well - its absolutely mental there right now especially around Talpiyot there is a lot of rioting and shops are closed

just on banning settlement products - yeah im not sure what purpose it serves really as lots of Palestinians would work in the settlements and operate in industries like construction , etc around there so it just hits everyone really … FFS settlement products - what are they banning? wine , honey? ist not like there is heavy industry in a place like Kiryat Arba


Of course it is a stretch and it is why nothing will happen - @glasagusban

This is a good read

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National strike in west bank today so lots of rioting and tear gas at the crossings - the crossings at Qalandiya and Bethlehem are major flashpoints right now

This is not a good faith engagement, it’s naked whataboutery with no other aim except protecting Israel from being exposed for its barbarism.

Why don’t you set up a separate thread on the Uyghurs instead of trying to shoehorn their plight in here?


You’re lucky you brought your eir router with you


First of all it was a response to a genuine question, and second I wasn’t the first poster to introduce the Uyghurs into this thread.

More importantly though surely it’s about time you cleaned up this thread, seeing as you feel somehow connected to racist bile that has been posted elsewhere. In the first posts of this thread there are open calls for Jewish extermination and laments that the Nazis didn’t “finish the job”. Unless you agree with these sentiments surely they should be removed?