A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

coalition should be announced in next few hours. they have until Wednesday morning to get it sorted or else it’s a fifth election in 2 years.
The Arab Joint List party id imagine will be something akin to the rural TD alliance that formed part of one of the so called rainbow coalitions here a few years ago…if turnout was bigger in their areas they would have much larger representation … im assuming they will insist having a very strong influence on the Israeli supreme Court where George karra is a member of the judiciary…interestingly he was nominated by Ayelet Shaked …people don’t see this stuff on rte of course or get it…anyway

What’s benny going to do?

Hey Benny, SCREW YOU!

he has to have a least one trick up his sleeve …he needs to stay as Premier to ensure immunity from prosecution …his "lie of the century " speech on Sunday was cringeworthy…it wouldnt suprise me tbh if something happens to Ayelet Shaked


Good news for Palestine and Belarus. The spokesman for Irish restaurants has your back

The bird from Hugo’s was in the Sindo this week and she didn’t say a word about them.

i was reading there , 20 years ago today - 21 kids were blown up in a queue to a nightclub in Tel Aviv called the dolphinarium… the fella who had the bomb was was dressed up Haredi style and was banging a drum singing “somethings going to happen”… that was the middle of the first intifada… there was proper mental stuff happening there then

It was during the second intifada…

was the second one back as far as 2001?

The first was in 1993, the second 2001-2005. The second that you’re referencing was fucking horrendous in terms of atrocities, close to 6k total deaths including at least 3k civilians.

you are right 2001 2002 was horrific alright. going from the wife’s first hand accounts of bus bombings on the way to university in Jerusalem

The first intifada was 1987 afaik.

Mansour abbas 's Joint Arab List has just signed a coalition agreement with Yamina Hadash (bennett) and Yesh Atid (lapid)

ayelet shaked was in some squabble earlier with yer one from Labour over high Court nominations but this will be done

Isaac herzog former Labour Party leader who has an Irish father is the new President


yeah @Tierneevin1979 that was why they built the security wall…
She was telling me about the Sbarro Pizza Restaurant bomb there in Jerusalem in 2001…15 people killed or something …mental shit.
when you go into any cafe , bar , mall or match now you get scanned for a gun or weapon …bag searched.wasnt like that then

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Is he one of the Monaghan Herzog’s?