A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Bennet/Saar/Bibi will knife each other in the back at the first opportunity?

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yeah -
what i honestly think is happening here is that there is massive pressure being put on Likud now to oust Bibi
if they do then Saar ( the new hope party ) , Likud and Bennett ( yamina hadash) dont need Yair Lapid 's Yesh Atid to form a coalition so they have an ideal right wing government
Saar and New Hope are basically Likudniks anyway…
What is left of Likud are all Netanyahu loyalists… they’ll all up to their neck in these corruption allegations
if he cant stay PM, he’s going to prision

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if israel are good at anything its locking up politicians for corruption, look at Ehud Olmert for example…
The media are stacked against Netanyahu now as well with everything except Israel Ha’yom ( sponsored by Sheldon Adelson) wanting him in court

there are big protests now outside Ayelet Shaked’s mansion in Tel aviv showing yamina hadash are split down the middle

  • half her supporters want her to go anti netanyahu
  • the other half saying she cant form a coalition with “terrorists” ( aka labor/arabs/mertez)

Being rid of Netanyahu in and of itself would be a good thing.

I’ll refer you to the words of Israeli journalist Mairav Zonzsein. “It’s not about whether Netanyahu is a tyrant. It’s about whether the majority of Israelis are.”

Netanyahu-ism as regards Israel’s dealings with Palestine shows no sign of waning, only of ramping up.

absolute scenes



one of my favourite shirts
that’s the 2012 -13 one


This is a complete internet humiliation.

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negotiations are grinding on
ayelet shaked has had death threats issued to he kids overnight such is the right wing angst in her own party she may go into a coalition with leftist /arab groupings…
the more cynical amongst us tho will agree thus was organised by Netanyahu as he desperately tries to get her to force Bennett out of Yamina Hadash and end the coalition to oust him

Bibi has been offering Shaked everything privately …he needs bennett gone
.she could crush bibi now…I don’t agree with some of her politics but she formidable politican…

media support for Netanyahu is gone…Israel hayom aside
.he is done…but he won’t go easy

Must have been one on a lap in the back

Ireland is 100% pro Israel, and rightly so.

:ireland: :israel:

Someone should tell Shatzer. He was frothing during the weekend.


Think he was on Week in Politics.

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He spoke at an Irish Catholic alliance gathering at weekend which was praised by the ambassador as showing Ireland has many diverse views which never get aired.

I’m broadly pro-Palestinian but the Irish Palestinian lobby’s obsession with Alan Shatter has always troubled me.

cc @Copper_pipe

Is @Copper_pipe an anti-semite too?

Hes a citeeeee boy as far as I know