A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Is @mickee321 out there ?

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Not wise because of the inevitable OTT repercussions but…

I was in Jerusalem this time last year and there was a bomb outside the bus station and the defence forces went to town on anyone who looked vaguely Muslim and they tore the settlements apart. God only knows what the IDF are going to do in response to this but it’s going to be very very bad.

Not sure what their end game is here but this seems to have been a well planned assault.

Talks they have captured some crossing point on the border.

The Israelis will unleash a savage hellfire on them you’d imagine. Could be a full scale invasion of Gaza in reprisal

This is a complete disaster for ordinary Palestinians and a PR manna from heaven for Israel.

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There’ll be no restraining the Israelis after this and no will to either.

They could strike Iran after this. All bets are off

This will make Russia and Ukraine look like handbags at ten paces

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Seen it there. Paraded around in the back of a pick up. Bit like Gaddafi

Judging by the videos going out there will be thousands of dead Palestinian civilians by the end of next week.

You’re overthinking it. There’s nothing more to it other than “we hate them and want to kill them”. The same ideas that were behind Enniskillen and the Ormeau Road bookies massacre.

No end game. The Palestine "state"has failed and Hamas probably reckon they might as well take a swing before their own supporters fuck them out.

The only logic they might be going by is that an over the top Israeli response leads to a wider regional conflict.

Horrible. It’s going to be absolutely horrific what’s going to happen in the next few days and weeks.

For all the problems in Ireland, we are very fortunate to live in a relatively stable, safe country.

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What brought this on now? Seems kinda sudden

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It seems the date is symbolic as it’s the 50th anniversary of this.

Israel basically bombing Gaza into oblivion right now.

Interesting. The Gaza lads look like their going on a solo run here. Looks foolish on the surface but perhaps the strategy is to provoke Israel into an over reaction. Cant see many of the arab countries giving much of a fuck bar Iran maybe.

Palestinians are seen as dirt by the Arab world. Iran isn’t an Arab country btw.

It’s yet one more chapter in a hopeless cycle of mindless violence which will never end. Israel uses the jackboot, because of that, Hamas has no shortage of young volunteers willing to murder civilians or martyr themselves, Israel retaliates brutally, bombing Gaza to rubble and slaughtering civilians, radicalising ever more young Palestinians ever more, and on we go. Forever.

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Netanyahu is the only winner here

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