A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Most of the Arab world has given up on the idea of fighting Israel and prefers to fight among itself nowadays. Iran are always there stirring the pot.

The right wing bastards always win when thereā€™s violence.

If it happens on their watch, they donā€™t get blamed, they get boosted.

If it happens on somebody elseā€™s watch, especially a left/liberal type, the left/liberal type gets blamed, and the right wing bastard gains support.

9/11 was an object lesson in that. Had Gore been president, the narrative would have been that ā€œuseless left/liberals were asleep on the job and allowed this to happen - a Republican would never have allowed itā€.

But because Bush was president, the narrative suddenly became ā€œletā€™s rally round this right wing nutcase and letā€™s invade Iraq.ā€


I was going to say the Israelis seem to have been seriously caught on the hop by this. Theyā€™ll be seething as their whole military is geared towards never being caught again like they were in the Yom Kippur war.
I wonder will any of it blow back on Netanyathu the cunt. Probably not as you say. Only further support to wipe Gaza off the map

Not a chance will it blow back on Netanyahu. It will only radicalise both sides further. This is what happens when violence happens. Itā€™s a self perpetuating dynamic. Itā€™s a self perpetuating dynamic which means our world is basically fucked. The more violence happens, the more people gravitate towards people who are intent on perpetuating violence.

A few years ago we were all told here by self declared knowledgeable posters that Netanyahu was going to get done for corruption because Israel supposedly didnā€™t tolerate corruption. Lolz at that. Ismael Haniyeh the leader of Hamas lives in luxury in Qatar.

All of these cunts are laughing.

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Is this classed as a terrorist attack on Israel. Im confused as to which flag to add on twitter. Already have Palestine, ukraine Armenia and france

Youā€™ll just have to be patient. The awkward squad are anxiously awaiting the next Joe Rogan podcast before weighing in on this one


The typical awkward squad position is to claim to love Palestine (presumably on the basis the awkward squad tend to hate Jews) while also hating Ukraine.

Their heroes Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy Junior are fanatically pro-Russia but also fanatically pro-Israel, which they donā€™t seem to have grappled with.


Is our correspondent @mickee321 still around?

You might be better off sticking to a Limerick one for the moment

I see we have a large following in Nigeria. Its not a coincidence that they are the largest market for Guinness

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Do you fellas really feel you have to pick a team? Itā€™s quite pathetic


People are gonna die but Joe Rogan, Peterson, virtue signal huh huh. What an arsehole.

Hamas doesnā€™t care if itā€™s civilians get killed. Israel does care if its are killed. Not a great combination

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You can be sure the awkward squad on here will all agree on the same side.

Fire up an example there, or sit down and shut up


Pro Putin, anti vaccine, climate change denier, pro jump, listen to joe rogan, hate foreigners etc etc.


Fan of Enoch Burke

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You got your answer. Heā€™s a fucking moron. Wait til he starts pretending you sent him DMs in the past

Great to see moronandwhiteonly is back after disappearing after his last drunken outburst.


Still looking for those DMs you imagined I sent you. Moron.

Iā€™ll confess to listening to joe and being very dubious about the covid injection. Fire up an example of the othersā€¦or sit down and stop your bitchy name calling.