A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

They haven’t been here to fore. Bulldozing family homes in the West Bank is illegal and nothing is done about it. Our own government is probably the strongest critic of their illegal activities in fairness to them

They’ve been condemned for their behaviour for years and they don’t give a fuck.
Hamas have now given them carte blanche to do exactly what they’ve wanted. Hamas took loads of hostages because they want the IDF to enter Gaza as that’s the only way they’ll be able to put up any sort of fight. It’s one of the most densely populated areas in the world and you can be sure Israel will lose a lot more troops if they enter, but they will need to be seen to go in there and try to get the hostages back.

It sets the Middle East ablaze again. If the Russians back Iran in a war with Israel then who knows how bad it gets.

Hamas don’t give two fucks about their own people, this is all they want.


It’s hard to see how a ground invasion of Gaza doesn’t turn into a Fallujah/Mosul type situation.

It’s hard to see how if such a situation occurs, Hezbollah don’t try their luck in the north.

It’s hard to see how the West Bank doesn’t rise up, with people using any implements available to them.

It’s hard to see how an increasing amount of radicalised Muslims in Europe don’t pick up knives and go on rampages, if they don’t have cars or trucks or bombs or guns.

This isn’t a situation like when the Israelis went into Uganda and freed hostages from under the nose of Idi Amin. There are over 100 Brian Keenans and John McCarthys dotted all over Gaza here and few if any are getting out alive.

It will be absolutely carnage.

Wouldn’t be surprised if Hamas start claiming these air strikes have killed hostages as well.

Sadly god is the cause of all this

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The existence of blood thirsty egomaniacs hasn’t helped.

A cloak of convenience for sure

Lot of talk on teh internets about this but Iran surely aren’t dumb enough to go toe to toe with a nuclear power that could level it at the push of a few buttons, Russian backing or not - no way targets in Iran aren’t already entered into the system - probably been in there for years at this stage.

Do Israel have nukes?



Good to see that those useless bastards are hard at work.

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What is the fucking point?

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How would that be logical? A far more logical conclusion would be a false flag operation.

Is that a genuine comment. Christ


The point is what causes war. Nationalist dogma, religious dogma and political dogma are what cause hatred, which cause oppression and cause war. Nationalist dogma, religious dogma and political dogma cause lies to be told. Lies cause war.

As a world, we seem utterly intent on doubling down on the things that cause war.

You’re responding to somebody who has never seen a batshit conspiracy theory he didn’t choose to believe.

False flag :smiley:


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