A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

30 years time.

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Their Israelis, why dont Egypt let Palestinians in? Gaza also borders Egypt

Eh? That isn’t happening.

I swear some people on this forum would want a fucking course on media literacy.

Keep out of this mate, we have all the experts we need.

total blockade on Gaza, no food and fuel. Israel bombed the fuck out of homes and apartments last night. 120,000 displaced.

If they wipe out Gaza the whole of Islam will go to war I think

It’s interesting that Hezbollah don’t seem to have done a whole pile and the West Bank Palestinans have also kept relatively quiet since Saturday.

If they don’t up the ante in the bext 24 hours you’d imagine they won’t rise up at all.

Genuinely bizarre the stuff that gets regurgitated.

Most of the Muslim world doesn’t really give a shit. Or the governments, more importantly.


Gaza has long since being wiped out. They only have electricity at certain times. I find it weird that a blockaded region as small as this can get 5000 missiles in without detection?
We’ve seen the Gun boats shoot kids playing soccer on the beach so they didn’t come from sea.

It suits the Israeli’s from a propaganda point of view to allow it to happen, perhaps?

a few replies say its from Syria (perhaps old footage?)

Very possible. Hard to believe anything off Twitter, but there is little doubt Gaza is getting absolutely bombarded at the moment.

The Israeli defence minister has said “We are dealing with human animals and will act accordingly”.

Unlike other wars, where you have waves of refugees, I’d imagine absolutely no one is being allowed out of Gaza

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God help them


All Hamas have done is give an excuse to Israel to go in and wipe out Palestine.

Rockets intercepted from Lebanon

care to elucidate ?

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That’s what Hamas want. They knew exactly how this would play out. Create enough of a mess to start a war and drag in other sides seems to be the plan.

Or at least, give the Iranians cover to attack Israel through Hezbollah, which once Israel invades Gaza they have promised to do

Could this backfire on Israel? If the Israeli’s go in a wipe out the Palestians will anyone in the west condemn them.