A new low for Israel. How low can they go?


Hard to disagree with the final paragraph.

I wasn’t responding to you. It was a response to a more mature & reflective poster. The smile you give is the small you get back. :wink:

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That’s the chance they thought worth taking
Hamas haven’t had an election in years
So hard to gauge how popular they really are,
Feel for the civilians,
But those Israeli cunts need culled,
Treating those in Gaza like animals for decades,
Ppl with nothing to lose will try desperate measures,
Hamas made the mistake of treating Israeli civilians the way the IDF treats Palestinian :palestinian_territories: ppl,
I’ve no issue doing what they want to military’ personnel
But you have to treat civilians like neutrals,
IDF have the excuse now to go in hard and create mayhem and murder
And won’t have to answer to anyone
As Uncle Sam will always but always back the utter cunts

WHat’s the story with all these foreigners living in Israel. Jewish I take it. Do they get free houses or a grant to go and live there? I don’t know what attracts them there, living in constant fear day in day out.
Spare a thought for those in the Gaza strip. Israel controlling if they are allowed water, or electricity etc…

I was disappointed with Biden over the weekend saying he has Israel’s back now and always.

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Votes and more votes. No American leader will ever go against isreal

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The Israeli lobby is the most powerful in Washington.

Also, Israel are their sole allies in the Middle East.

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I thought Paddy spudhead had that gig (in his own mind)


What is it good for?


School cancelled for children in southern Lebanon as well.

The gears are in motion and I don’t see any stopping them

Always going to happen
US needs Israel
And vice versa
Uncle Sam doesent back losers
So will always have IDF s back
Irrespective what they do,
A nation of arrogant cunts who learned well from their former nazi masters,
Whilst there decades ago I was surprised to see written on ambulances, fire tenders, school buses - donated by such n such NY, San Fran etc etc
Uncle Sam props up these despicable bastards,

That’s exactly why they give them their defence budget

Where’s @mickee321 when you need him!!!

Why were you disappointed? The man never saw a war he didn’t like, has surrounded himself with warmongers and he lacks any diplomatic instincts. He just asked Egypt to make themselves available to attack gaza…thankfully they politely told the tramp to go fuck himself.

Biden will see this as a welcome distraction from Ukraine.


Election next year. Votes.

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