A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Thereā€™s not much they can do if they donā€™t know where they are.
They are going to raze Gaza to the ground by the looks of it

What in the name of god Is the next move for the crowd who started this at weekend?

Eternal bliss with a load of virgins in Muslim heaven, but theyā€™ll do their best to bring as many IDF soldiers with them.


First Israeli hostage executed.

Hezbollah has mobilised thousands of fighters on border ready to fight.

Shit got real.

US there to stop Iran joining in but itā€™ll still be total chaos with those two looking on


Rise up against the Israeli army with a pitchfork and they will blow you and everyone around you apart.

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That pretty much sums up my view of the whole thing, and what I was trying to explain badly with my anti war post earlier.

That interview with the mother of the missing Israeli/Irish lady sums it up. Heartbreaking.

From 31st of August

Flares up all over the Southern border with Lebanon as well

Apparently heavy gunfire at all the west bank crossings too

Crisis averted Picture of Gazza this evening crossing the Israeli border with bag of cans, pie & fishing rod in toe.


Good one mate