A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

You cant say fairer than that.

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an anti-muslim rhetoric will ramp up now. dangerous times

This applies not just in America but everywhere, especially Israel and Palestine.



I saw someone make a good point online. The anti vax, anti lockdown, anti covid, conspiracy theorists who, at the time, did not trust the govt/MSM , are now totally taking the govt/MSM word for everything that is going onā€¦

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle

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Why - did you expect those loonballs to have consistency in their ā€˜ideologyā€™?

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Evangelical christians in the US firmly believe that if Israel is fully in the hands of Jews, Jesus will come back. Thatā€™s what youā€™re dealing with.


Maybe its worth trying?

They might not like what he has to say is my feeling

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There was some chatter a few days ago that Israel donated 80% of their military weapons to Ukraine so with supplies depleted Hamas went for the jugular. Was this just nonsense twitter talk?

Certainly sounds like it.

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Other Twitter talk says the missiles came from Ukraine- so itā€™s their own hardware being used against them if we believe social media

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I think the rumour the missiles came from Ukraine started on here.

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Did they get far? The rumours, not the missiles

Iā€™d be very surprised if arms sent to Ukraine didnā€™t end up being used by hamas? There was no audit, Ukraine didnā€™t stop being the most corrupt country in Europe juat becauseā€¦and there were dozens of reports of weapons being sold by commanders etc.

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You tried warning em mate. You fucking tried.

Yeah well, a few of us werent swayed by the propaganda in teen vogue