A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

No backsies

Dialogue with the likes of Hamas should never again be even entertained

Jaysus. This is pathetic on so many levels



If anyone knows about the underground movement of arms, it would be a Derry man.

Fellas on here believed Hego walked from Limerick and it was printed in the paper.

If there’s one thing I’ll say in defence of biden’s foreign/war policy …hilary probably would have been worse

Or trump

@Thomas_Brady fell on his sword over the whole furore

Trumps foreign policy was worse than bidens? Please explain


One of the good guys

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Any man willing to sacrifice a carefully crafted e-persona for the love of his county deserves our love and admiration

Trump moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem despite it being in Tel Aviv for years.

Aye, and his peace plan was a joke. On the other hand he didn’t let himself be pushed into a war with iran

@admins - you need to start handing out infractions for posts like this


I’ve put myself forward for the role of @admins here.

thanks mate, can you give @Mac & @padjo two weeks reflection time

In mac’s defence the brits, poles and Americans all said theyve got eff all left to give

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I’d be wary of taking @padjo out of the equation here, his is a truly valuable insight at these times.

What do you think Trump would do now if he was President other than backing Israel to the hilt and potentially get drawn into a war with Iran?