A new low for Israel. How low can they go?


The common line ‘while the attacks were deplorable but this is all Israel’s fault’

Tell that to the people at and related to those at that music festival.

He probably knew some of those responsible for carrying out the attacks as they are his friends.

In fairness, no where in the tweet does he say that.


Exactly, wtf is he on about. That is a perfectly sensible, accurate tweet.


A lot of projection going on right now.


The “tell that to the victims” us a cowardly rhetorical device at the best of times, a hiding place for people who just want to take sides etc.

Corbyn’s history in this area is very questionable,

That be as it way, you responded to his tweet with “The common line ‘while the attacks were deplorable but this is all Israel’s fault”. No where in that tweet does he blame Israel for what just happened. He condemns Hamas. He says it’s not fair to the average Palestinians that they are suffering as a result with Israel’s response. He basically says both sides are fucked up here and innocent people are paying the cost.

Seems reasonable.


The “two state solution” has been dead for many years. Israel never seriously entertained it. Even under Rabin, they weren’t serious. Oslo was all for show. The West Bank is a series of bantustans with Israeli colonial settlements occupying all the high ground.

At the same time, when Palestinian suicide bombs are going off frequently as the did in the 1990s and 2000s, that isn’t going to help your position, only seriously damage it.

Ultimately what will likely happen is Gaza and the West Bank will cease to exist and Israel will take the whole thing and the ring of steel will be pushed further out. The anger and the hatred will never subside.

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A lot of anger about the Israeli deaths, but zero anger about the Palestinians getting bombed to death right now. Already over a 100 dead children over the past few days. There is no difference between the IDF and Hamas - a terrorist state army vs a terrorist organisation.


There’s a ton of anger for the Palestinians dying right now.
You’re projecting too mate, seeing what you want to see.

It is deliberately phrased to put the focus on the Palestinians in Gaza as being the real issue.

If that were me I would say ‘While the plight of the people in Gaza is terrible, mass shooting of nearly 300 people in a music festival is the lowest depth of humanity’.

Corbyn called members of Hamas or Hizbollah as his friends previously so his words of criticism of their actions ring hollow.

Bizarre reaction. He didn’t say that. Seemed a sensitive and appropriate response to me.

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I’m seriously reconsidering my plans to go to Israel on holidays next year

Far more sympathy with the Israelis mate.

Ultimately the historic injustice suffered by the Palestinian people and the conditions they live in is the main issue.

In the same way, the main issue with Northern Ireland was it was a Protestant state for a Protestant people with all the systematic discrimination and oppression that ethos entailed.

The Provo campaign was an abomination but it didn’t happen in a vacuum.

The problem is the two sides of this are much, much further apart than the two sides in Northern Ireland ever were and the hatred is exponentially greater.

The quality of leadership on both sides has been appalling, forever.

Two sets of absolutely murderous right wing fanatics now control pretty much the entirety of the discourse.

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Wow, you really are seeing what you want to see in that tweet. Read it again mate.
In each paragraph he equally condemns violence by both sides.

Projection is not good mate, it’s not healthy mentally. For you or others around you.


Ok, sorry, I haven’t seen the stats on the sympathy-o-meter. Could you throw them up there?

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Catching up on this thread and I’ve revised my estimate on @farmerinthecity and been forced to downgrade to @Mac level