A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

The so called “left” across the western world have absolutely disgraced themselves over the past few days. Imagine the mindset of the utter wankers holding protests outside Israeli embassies, including Dublin, on the day after 1000 Jews were slaughtered, mostly civilians. Make no mistake “free Palestine” means “kill all Jews” to these disgustng hate filled antisemites.

This was an clearly an attack by Iran using Hamas. They are desperate to put a stop to normalization between gulf states and Israel, and if that means a regional war or starting WWIII so be it. The mullahs are crazy mediecal bastards just like the hoardes that came acorss the border into Israel on Saturday.


Don’t you continue to justify what the Provos did?

Have you seen the rhetoric and actions from the Israeli side?

Based on your QB rankings that appears to be a positive thing for both of us

Because of Jezza?

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A lot of theories being presented on this thread as fact, from supporters of both sides of the conflict. There have been serious atrocities committed by both sides in recent days, with I suspect a lot more in the immediate pipeline. Be mindful, the propaganda machine will be fired to full tilt by both sides at this stage of the conflict and it’ll be easy to be spun into emotional tailspins by one-sided media coverage, whatever the source. There are plenty of innocents in the region, on both sides of the fence who are unsupportive of conflict who will suffer greatly. There will be humanitarians throughout the world being accused of anti-semitism for not turning a morally blind eye to the most likely razing of Gaza, and the casualties recklessly attributed to it’s potential demise. They are two sides, who have hardly ever shown any real interest in concessions in order to peacefully co-exist, and have this week paid a brutal price for their rigid defiance, and lack of passion for a solution for their people. We have seen on this island and in South Africa amongst other regions, that it is possible to come in out of the cold and move forward to forge a brighter, safer future for the children and grandchildren who will in time wonder why so many had to perish unnecessarily. Peace can often feel like it is a long way off, but in reality can boil down to two men sitting in the same room with open hearts and minds.


Kay Burley making an arse of herself again I see after being pulled up for making up quotes.

This is fucking horrific. It’s grotesque, it’s an outrage. May those who perpetrated it rot in hell.

Anybody who in any way defends or excuses this is morally bankrupt.

It’s also morally bankrupt to pretend that only one side commits grotesque outrages when the statistics demonstrate that the overwhelming majority of victims in this conflict as a whole have been killed by the other side, including many dead babies.

There is so much dishonesty and bad faith in public discourse on this whole topic. It’s mind numbing.

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What exactly are the “rockets” that Hamas keep launching? I’m guessing they can’t be overly sophisticated if they have so many of them? Over 6000 fired in a few days.

The Soviets fired half a million in the first half hour of the Battle of Seelow Heights. 6,000 in a few days pales in comparison

Qassams, very basic, cheap to make and inaccurate.

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How many Iron Dome missiles have the israelis I wonder. Are Hamas just running them down so the Iranians can come in with the accurate stuff later

That dome is some piece of kit. What sort of cost did it come at?

Ask @Tierneevin1979, he paid for it, along with all the other American tax payers.


Each dome missile costs around $40,000, Quassams cost $800 to put together.

So that’s the big worry, Hezbollah have tens of thousands of far more sophistocated missiles that can hit Haifa and Tel Aviv. If the Israeli air defenses are depleted and a northern front starts, what does Israel do in response to a massive missile attack on Tel Aviv?

It’d be great if they announced that they would be moving the state of Israel to rural Texas. The MAGAS wouldn’t be long removing the Israel flag from their tweet machine profiles.


What sort of chance do you think this is the plan? To draw Israel out and get them to use up their fancy drone defence system?

I assume if Iran get more involved anything is possible and literally nothing is off the table.

Only pure speculation here, but gaza was/is under embargo regarding the materials to construct these so I would hazard a guess and say that Israel will have a larger, more reliable stockpile. Storing them soundly during the retaliatory strikes will pose another issue to supply. If the dome missiles run out, it could be used to dethrone the immovable rock that is Netanyahu. I would imagine that even Israel or their allies couldn’t mass manufacture them in an emergency window of time. There are plenty of figures inside Israel that would love to see Netanyahu removed from power, so he’ll be aiming to find and destroy the stockpiles if he’s nervous about their own supply. I honestly can’t see any major moves made by Iran, Syria, Russia or even Hezbollah for that matter. Time will tell, but Israel have the bit between their teeth and the majority of the world behind them. It’d be bad for business to show anything but goodwill and a backslapping.