A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Ffs sake

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We’ll need Jim Gavin to command a crack squad of Irish special forces to go into South Lebanon and rescue our boys, just like when the Israelis went into Entebbe.

Stay safe kid

Is that any chance of that dome failing ?

That country is not real

The us seem intent on adding fuel to the fire.

Political cock-stroking really.

Biden is a war mongerer

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Be grand. Go off and read up on your history

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Bidens only reading the telly prompter, its the jount chiefs making the calls

bro GIF


How does one wage war by Ursula’s rules so as to not commit war crimes?

Maybe the enemy forces divvy everything up with handy marks like civvy/armed forces, that could work for her personalised war parameters


not too many heroes offering the spare room for Palestinians


Sky News pushing plenty of bellicose Zionist analysis of the situation
