A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Great post Mickee. Disappointing to not get a reference to a Sunday drive in there but very informative otherwise.


This story about the beheaded babies doesn’t have proper verification. It needs to be parked unless and until proper verification can be provided, especially given the explosive nature of the story.


Great to hear from you @mickee321

hope you still get to tallaght

I don’t think Hamas are calling themselves ISIS tbf, that’s a media driven narrative that is easily thrown around & cheaply accepted.

As @mickee321 pointed out above the move was made on land that was occupied by force and was an act of retribution.

There are two sides to this sorry story who believe their land is key.

Unfortunately and heartbreakingly their are two sides of innocent civilians who will suffer to the benefit of so called Leaders of Causes.

Depressing situation but not one where a finger of blame can be easily pointed unconditionally at one side.

It strikes me that there was very little strategic thinking that went into the attack.

It was purely a blood thirsty excursion with some hostages taken for good measure.

It seems that this type of extreme violence seems to have taken over the Middle East. That seems to be the norm now - negotiations have gone out the window.

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Where/how are these additional soldiers killed?
Is it in gunfire along the border?

are Toyota planning any tie-in marketing with Hamas?

I think they’re still under contract with the taliban


Welcome back @mickee321 and great informative posts there - you won’t here all that stuff on the news reports. First thing I thought about when all this kicked off (besides the horror of it all of course) is I hope lapsed poster Mickee321 isn’t caught up in all this, or his extended family. The next few weeks and months are going to be crazy and unpredictable, who knows where we’ll be as a world in 12 months from now. Vladimir Putin is one bad actor and possibly the most evil man in history vying with Hitler, can’t help but think his finger prints are all over this egging hamas on.

Nine UN staff killed by Israeli airstrikes so far

As if the IDF care.Benji will do anything to stay out of jail,if that means murdering civilians so be it.

Former Israeli government negotiator Daniel Levy castigates Israel’s response (tweet includes video):

I’d say he was a tough negotiator when Bayern came in for Harry Kane

Seems like a good few rockets got through the iron dome today hit buildings in a number of towns.


Outstanding interview

My twitter sources seem to indicate a serious ramping up of activty along the Lebanon border today.

Diesel smugglers?

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we are about 3 hours away from politicians screaming we rescue our army boys from South Lebanon

They should be gone out of there already. No business in between them two bunch of nutters

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